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Oh wow, that was awesome! I wasn't expecting something this short to be so good! I will admit that it was still too short. I wanted to see how the shotgun would work. Well, it is October. Halloween of course!

I just loved this animation too. I should have recognized the zombie part more. Well, all the more surprising than! Those brains were pretty well detailed. I assume everything blocky is based on "Minecraft".

Wow, that was beautiful! At first, I thought his name would be the Riddler. That's already taken. The best joke might have been the dog one. I love how everything is so wonderfully bright and colorful. I could never know how these effects are made.

Well, I don't know much about animating in general. It was wonderful to see everything move so well. Wow, I didn't notice we were up to 900,000 submissions! Well, most are gone anyway. This was a great cartoon.

This was a cute little cartoon. It just wasn't great. The animation was very nice. It worked very well as a loop. I didn't notice the bandages at first. He looked more like a carrot than a potted plant.

Well, they're both plants. I like the backgrounds. I like the background with the rain. I couldn't tell if those were his feet or shoes. The colors are nice and bright.

I have to admit I didn't think this was that good. It was just a very single joke. It didn't make much sense to me. Why would a genie do that? Well, he's been trapped in a lamp. He'd probably do anything in there.

I do think the animation is quite impressive. The joke just didn't do much for me. At least it wasn't that short. I do like the colors. These just aren't for me that much.

I wasn't expecting the actual audio to be used. I don't think this movie was as good as the first one. Most people agree with me on that. This was a pretty enjoyable bit. I don't remember this bit. It's hard to remember everything.

I liked seeing all those fish. I'm glad it was longer than just a few seconds. We need that for stuff here. It just looks authentic. Well, maybe it could be more unique.

I admit that I was hoping this would be longer. I mean, there were all these awards it apparently won. I did like this, because cacti are cool. It was fun to see all these cacti come together. I felt bad when the pink guy was eaten. He was the kid, right?

This was also pretty well animated. The cacti reminded me of the Cactaurs. I'm just reminded of those great "Cactaur And Tonberry" cartoons from Earth-Mage-2000. This was an enjoyable little cartoon. It's just an enjoyable little short.

Aww, what an adorable cartoon! Dang, it's rare that we get submissions with ratings as high as 4.63! Anyway, this was a very fun little cartoon. That's not easy for a submission only 12 seconds long. Well, at least not for a cartoon. My favorite was the carrying cake one.

You showed a lot of diversity here. These were pretty different jobs. Even the title's quaint. I just realized these characters have no noses. Well, some anime characters are like that.

I admit that I was waiting for some more action in this. Still, Amber's a great character. She was set up quite well. I can't remember any other names. I can at least recognize some characters. I thought the title would be "Teaser".

I'm glad I didn't just get a teaser. This was pretty long for a standard submission. It fit well as an episode. I can see more things coming out of this. The animation's quite smooth.

Wow, I certainly had no idea this was a funeral. Those were some interesting expectations. Anyway, Happy Australia Day too! I assume that's its day of independence. Most country days are like that. I don't understand the title.

Oh, it's apparently about Australian football. I'm sure Dylan was a good person. Thanks for the picture. It made a tad more sense in context. Oh wait, Australia Day is actually January 26th, but whatever.

Yeah, this has gone on way too long for me to keep track. The story just keeps on getting more complicated. Well, the animation was still fantastic. Corn was probably the best character. I just like the idea of giving a snake a personality. They move in such a cool manner.

The animation was as good as ever. I'm glad the sponsor list didn't go on too long. You know how to have the right amount of detail. Maybe this could have used more action. It was still great.

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