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Damn, I counted 264 kills in this cartoon! I think that might be some sort of record! I don't know if I've seen a Madness cartoon this long! I think my favorite might have been the MLP part. Hey, MLP is everywhere else, you know! It just never lets up for its long running time.

I also loved the part with the bullet being deflected and the slo-mo. GabrielBarsch might be the best creator of Madness content, apart from Krinkels obviously. We got tons of amazing variety. I am glad to say that "Madness Combat" will live on now and forever! Who else wouldn't love seeing a dinosaur too? This just has everything!

vtyz responds:

And a black teenager said: "Damn, I counted 264 kills in this cartoon! I think that might be some sort of record! I don't know if I've seen a Madness cartoon this long! I think my favorite might have been the MLP part. Hey, MLP is everywhere else, you know! It just never lets up for its long running time.

I also loved the part with the bullet being deflected and the slo-mo. GabrielBarsch might be the best creator of Madness content, apart from Krinkels obviously. We got tons of amazing variety. I am glad to say that "Madness Combat" will live on now and forever! Who else wouldn't love seeing a dinosaur too? This just has everything!"

Yes, I counted 182 deaths! I did not, however, count the deaths of the people in the flashback with the other cartoons. It was just that one flashback. I noticed that the characters seemed bigger than normal here. I got used to it after awhile, though. I'm glad we couldn't really tell who the protagonist was.

I had no idea who would die. Well, most would die. I kept wondering if there was an ongoing story here. I lost count of what was going on, really. The ending is pretty heartwarming for a Madness cartoon.

I'll have to admit that this was a pretty unique cartoon for Madness Day. This was the first time I tried counting the deaths this year. I lost count after about 98. That's the minimum amount it has. I'm glad this won an award. It's still weird how it wasn't voted higher.

Well, we still got plenty of great submissions this year. I've forgotten how weird the early installments were. It was definitely a parody. It was hard to keep up with after they deleted its article on Wikipedia. Screw Wikipedia!

Awww, I thought the end came too soon. This was still very good. You used colors well. Wow, we actually got some difference with the location. I usually think of "South Park" regarding Colorado. The pie part was probably the best.

This REALLY embraced the clown aspect. I loved the part with him pulling the mask off. That thumbnail really does live up to how it sets the disturbing aspect of this cartoon. The colors worked well too. While not a classic, this was certainly solid.

I have to admit I didn't think this was great. I thought someone was going to die. This seemed more like something GlitchArtTV would do. You know, a short funny cartoon. I missed any talking. Gifts For Zombie Clowns is quite a specific tag.

It just needed more of a punchline. Still, Happy Madness Day 2023! Yeah, it could have been longer. It still had great animation going for it. I guess he was serious.

With so many people credited, I thought it would be longer. I mean, this Madness collabs can go on for quite awhile! This was in fact just a trailer. I should have looked at the title. This was indeed as long as an average movie trailer. I'm used to regular submissions being shorter.

I'm glad it wasn't just showing the game being played. Then again, I haven't played it in awhile. Even the way the title came out is cool. I don't see how parts can change. It's just a trailer!

This is one of my favorites this Madness Day. It's mostly because it actually shows more movements with the characters. Your submissions are too short! This actually reminds me of Sexual-Lobster a lot. The voice just sounded like him. I'm glad it wasn't sexual.

We got some wonderfully bright colors here. That's hard to do in a Madness cartoon. It's sad because I spent awhile learning Spanish. Wait, what am I saying? I don't remember much of what I learned in college or school anyway! I was almost afraid this year's Madness Day would be underwhelming.

Happy Madness Day! I knew that with all these collaborators, we'd see something amazing. It's hard to pick a favorite part. Maybe the one with the Asian guy? At least I think he was Asian. These people don't have many facial features.

The funniest part might have been the guy who got eaten. There's also the dancing ape scene. GabrielBarsch, someone I recognize! I thought there'd be some ongoing story. I mean, the actual Madness series has that. I liked that girl protagonist too.

Damn, I am not used to hearing words in your cartoons. The best part was probably everything. I mean, it is just one joke as most of your cartoons are. How can I say what the best part is? The animation was as good as ever. It's good hypocritical humor.

Well, she's aware of it. Hey, you make an actual sequel! Happy Madness Day! Congratulations on getting #1 with this. Love those titles.

I have to admit that I didn't think this was that good. I mean, it was just random sound effects. It was still at least okay. It didn't have the audio from the movie. Well, we can always use variety. This is my anniversary of having an account here!

I personally found this movie to just be okay. It's nothing that good or bad. The animation here was alright. It's just nothing too memorable. I wasn't expecting a Clock Crew thing.

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