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Honestly, I thought the best parts of this movie were seeing the merchandise at the beginning and end. It looks awesome! I'm still not quite a fan. I thought this one was a bit too long. The episodes aren't quite that unique. That being said, they are still gorgeously drawn.

You have still created an interesting world. I loved seeing that cliff. I knew he was going to kill himself. We can only guess as to what the hell this cartoon is really about. I thought his fingers would be made of salad, not flesh and bone.

Yep, this was definitely dreamlike. Well, dreams can be anything, really. I thought the title was "Wake Up Wakko". Yeah, I love "Animaniacs". I bet it was in fact based on a dream. I wish his pants went on higher.

You know, with the man boobs. At least he didn't have nipples. I haven't played with yoyos in a long time. This really did seem quite personal. I'm used to your birthday cartoons.

This was hilarious! It was just wonderful with the animation as always. I especially loved the joke about the oven was great too. No one has ever probably put an oven on the roof before. Was this the first time you had an explosion in your cartoons? I just loved how it was so energetic.

I'm still not going to be a furry, except for Rouge. It was even kind of longer than most of your cartoons. I should give perfect scores to your works more often. I guess astrology was good for something. We should still just use months of the year. Don't make me a believer!

Wow, I didn't know people were making requests from you. They should just make their own cartoons like that. Well, I talk about stuff that happened to me in these reviews. I appreciate you wanting to make a kid's dream come true. I'm glad I'm not a kid watching your cartoons. It was cool how it was something you witnessed too.

Losing teeth reminds me of dreams. You should make cartoons based on dreams! Those are always cool! Except the ones where you lose teeth. Didn't you just mention the real kid's name, Josh?

Well, I have to admit that I wasn't really expecting that much at first. I mean, your other stuff isn't too great for me. Boy, I was surprised! Everything just escalated so quickly into insanity! I didn't know what was going on! My favorite part was probably when the two explosions appeared on screen at the same time.

It was all wonderfully cartoonish. It even had some anime stuff too. I even love the title. You can do a lot of things with cereal. This was such an enjoyable romp.

Dang, Undertale's anniversary really is a big deal. I know how popular it is, at least. This was a very sweet story. I appreciated how well it was told. I was thinking it would be really long. I didn't know it would be a romance.

It was one, right? The way she touched her shoulder. I'm more used to LGBT love given how great "The Owl House" was. The artwork was amazing. Happy anniversary to Undertale!

I thought that was pretty good. I need to learn more about "Undertale". All I really know about is Sans. This was quite nicely animated. It was fine for another quick laugh. I like the animation style.

It may have been too short. I'm glad the credits weren't too long. You paid tribute to everyone pretty well. I still won't donate. It's a good effort.

This was a good cartoon, but I didn't think it was great. My favorite joke might have been the belt one. I mean, it was pretty close to what we thought he was going to talk about. I really can't keep up with all the "Final Fantasy" installments. I'm not a fan. When the stories have no continuity, you really can't!

I liked how it was lower case. Well, except for the "Final Fantasy X" title. It's hard when I can't name anyone. The last joke was quite good too. Oh, I thought Fax Jam was a new jam we were doing.

Well, if he was the only character on the entire page, that's not a big deal.

I admit it was a little predictable. Well, he was eyeing the cookie at first. If Rascal had split it sooner, he would have gotten it back in time. This is some great animation too. Maybe it could have been shorter. It was still fun.

We've had many subverted kid's shows. I like how he keeps talking. I also like how he says, "what in tarnation?". Yeah, can't use bad language. Well, not on his part at least.

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