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I'm glad you apologizing for this short cartoon. I can only imagine how hard it can be to come up with characters. It was very nice to see this animation style. We've been having a lot of those things lately. I loved how it fit. Please make it longer, though.

I haven't seen a handheld system that like in a long time, though. It looks like it was based on Tamagotchi. This guy kind of looks like an orange dinosaur. Don't remind me of the orange dinosaur's fate in that Kraft cartoon. That one was still better.

violxiv responds:

Well It's just I would rather put my energy into more substantial projects than spending all day on memes.

and It's a DS, not a tamagotchi?

You know, I don't see any "Kamen Rider" cartoons here. Heck, I rarely see any "Kamen Rider" related things at all here. I do kind of wish this was longer. It was still extremely bright and colorful. I knew people would like this when I first saw it on the portal. I just didn't think it would be this high rated.

Cereal is awesome. I don't know why the kid turned green. It's probably something from the show. This kid's eyes looked weird. It's still quite enjoyable.

Wow, that was very nicely animated! It still didn't make all that much sense, though. I can still appreciate that it's unique. Dang, do I love how goofy this guy looks! I'm not familiar enough with "Banjo Kazooie". That "Game Grumps" episode was a long time ago.

This just seemed even shorter than most of these movies. It wasn't well paced that way. It still has really nice details. I don't remember the first one. I just realized how little I know about "Smiling Friends".

I found this to be entertaining. We need more live studio audience jokes. Those guys can get so annoying. I forgot the "Awww" track. What would that be called since it's not a laughtrack? A lovetrack?

Yeah, that joke was lame. I appreciate the animation. I'm started to know these characters more. I still don't quite understand how these characters are in these situations. It probably doesn't matter.

This was a pretty well done cartoon. I admit to being confused by the end. Was he not able to figure it out? Maybe I was just expecting for action. I guess he was right about it after all. It was funny how dumb he was.

It was kind of funny with the resolution. My favorite part was when he got angry. That's always a funny sound effect. Maybe the title could have been better. I expect a bit more escalation.

A catdog thing? I think it was a lot more like a cat thing. I know at least some things about dogs. That was more like a spider-cat thing with all the eyes it had. I haven't read "Homestuck" in a long time. I'm not even sure if I read the whole thing.

I could appreciate how great the animation was. It really is adorable. The cat thing was actually pretty cute. Happy April Fool's Day again! I'm just mentioning that because it's the day this was submitted.

I had never heard of Michael Kovich before. I was wondering why this didn't have an April Fool's Day tag with it. I then realized it did. Yeah, I've heard about this cartoon. I've never watched it before. Maybe we could get some more stuff on other popular YouTube cartoons.

How about "Racist Mario"? Well, that was just clickbait. I liked the animation. Well, it was only like two frames per second. Eh, probably even more like one per second.

That "f**king s**t" line made me know it was an April Fool's Day joke. Wait, it was, wasn't it? I mean, it was pretty short and silly. That doesn't always mean an April Fool's Day joke. I was impressed by how so many people worked on it. Eddsworld will live on forever.

I loved seeing everything flow together so well. It was neat to see that picture of Jack Black at the end, too. The animation fit together quite well. I can see people put effort into this. Even in something short, people can work together (that's the third time I've said that).

This was a blast. The best part was Scratch. He was just so freaking funny as a straight man. He's usually dumber in the cartoon. I appreciate this animation style as well. I didn't even use a computer in 1992.

Wait, I was only 3! The voices were hilarious. It seemed like an "X-Men 97" reference. I thought this would have segments. It didn't need them, though.

Well, this actually had nothing to do with Playstation at all, but why would...oh. It's April Fool's Day! How could I have not figured that out?! I feel like such an idiot! I wish there was in fact a Playstation collab. Anyway, these segments were still quite funny.

I'm glad it wasn't too long. I assume an April Fool's Day joke would have it be either really short or really long. It was just right! Mario never really will die out, right? I recognize the "Racist Mario" thumbnail and the Rule 34 webs...let's stop right there.

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