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This was a good submission, but not one of my favorites. I thought it was funny how he was just called "Goodguy". The villain was pretty entertaining too. It didn't seem too long or anything. I appreciated the animation as well. Maybe it wasn't the most original of ideas.

The eye beams were probably the best action scene. The wrong building joke was rather nice. I liked how goofy the hero looked. It isn't that subversive, but still nice. These kinds of villains are fun.

Gazoogaloo responds:

i appreciate the honesty lol, future stuff from me will be a lot more original dw

This was just a trailer?! It seemed like a whole cartoon! Oh, it was for a game. It's still very impressive. The best part was how it built up. It didn't need any color.

It really is a great cartoon in its own right. It doesn't even need a game! Whatever the outcome, this was an amazing submission. It has a very mysterious set up. If only it was submitted around Halloween.

Oh, this will be an actual game here? Well, I guess not a platformer as expected. Still, this certainly looks nice. I don't even remember the princess. Has she ever appeared before? This animation is as good as ever.

I wish you'd release a compilation. That would be like your best submission. I thought it was "Peebles" not "Pebbles". Well, it's a goofy name for a goofy series. I really thought this would be the actual game at first.

At first I was afraid this would be nothing but the same thing over and over. Boy, did this get creative! I would love to see a new brand of soda like this! It was certainly awesome to see so much energy in this. Boy, was it surreal! I seem to be saying "Boy" a lot in this review.

I appreciate how hard it must be to make these. Even as live-action, these are quite surreal! I don't know the exact method of making these. Oh, I don't know how any flashes are made anyway. I'm glad to keep up with these.

Hmm, this was kind of an odd cartoon. I guess I was expecting more action. Instead, it was a pretty normal one. Well, as normal as a cartoon about a cat and dinosaur (?) could be. It was pretty funny at the end when we saw the water leaking. It did give a message about staying inside.

Well, it's not always about video games. Or for that matter, the Internet. I noticed how it said "Breaking News" when the TV was broken. Was that a joke? It was fine for what it was.

spicycoffee responds:

Hey thanks for your review!
Certain scenes I would have like to have had more action, these can be things I can have more of in future projects since I'm looking forward to using them again for more animations.

Yea the TV realistically shouldn't be working so it's as if it's some kind of "magical coincidence" when Kib slams the door just off screen.

Well, I've seen some cereal parodies, but this one was one of the best! I had no idea it would go on this long. Yeah, maybe it could have been trimmed a bit. I was surprised by how big the story was. I thought it would just be something really goofy. It really was an action cartoon.

Thank you for the subtitles. Focky sounds like a pretty dirty name. Thank you for the subtitles of course. The cartoons here are getting longer all the time. The animation works very well too.

That intro was so long I thought it would be the whole cartoon! This was one crazy cartoon! The best part was probably how great the animation was. Well, more of the stop-motion bit. Was she going to say "...suck my d**k"? She's a woman!

The artwork was fantastic. I guess that ad in the middle did have relevance after all. The artwork kind of reminded me of "The Amazing Digital Circus". It was certainly entertaining. It's just a very strange, but enjoyable cartoon.

Was that the "You" from "Crank That Soulja Boy" at first? I remember that meme. I do wish it was longer. It ended too abruptly! At least we got to see some amazing cats. This animation was just amazing!

I loved seeing how gorgeous everything looked. It helps that I love cats. Most people on the Internet do! I loved seeing everything flow together so well. Cats might actually see the world like this.

catfight90 responds:

lmaoooo i wish it was xD it's actually something Elisa made based on the kabuki yooo sound :0!! hopefully if we do another it'll be longer :) this was pretty short mainly since it started as a student film which we finished after a hiatus

and thank you so much for the sweet comment ;;!! ♡♡♡♡ really brightened our days to see all the support so far :D cats really are the best despite being gremlins sometimes :3c

Okay, I ended up loving this. The best part was how cute those bears were. I didn't recognize them all. I thought I knew my bears! This reminds me of Stephen Colbert. He's known for his fear of bears.

I would choose the man. I mean, I AM a man! Oh, "Atop The Fourth Wall" reference. This was just very cute. I liked how quick it was.

DinkisMalinkis responds:

I have a lot of other wacky toons on my youtube channel !! Dinkis Malinkis Toons

Hey, orange is my favorite color! Green is my brother's favorite color! This was a very nice and colorful cartoon. I had expected a "Castle Crashers" cartoon to have more action, which it did near the end. It was still great the way it was. The best part might have been the voices.

The animation was very fluid too. I will admit it was probably too long. I liked seeing the other Castle Crashers too. I never realized how big their heads are. I thought this was great.

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