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Wow, that was awesome! I think this is probably your best submission ever! My favorite part was when he took down all those guards at once. That was both awesome and funny. That one guy sounded like Nicholas Cage. Imagine if he was a celebrity voice actor.

I appreciate how the jokes just keep on going. Most of them are great. The animation works great too. It looks like we have another day of great cartoons! Those guys are pretty cute.

I loved this, mostly because of the ending! I thought she was going to drop the cake, which would be a waste. Instead, she threw up on it. I thought he would have no arm. I mean, what else could you have shown? I was proven wrong.

The animation was quite nice. Well, it was gross, but fit the spirit of it so well. I knew that thing had a mind of its own. Actually, it also had a body of its own! That kid really was fat.

How odd. Judging from the title, I would think this would be only 5 seconds. It certainly wasn't. I do appreciate the animation. I just didn't think it was the best submission of today. Why wasn't this in the Weekly Top 10?

The giant robots and monsters in the background were pretty cool. You have to look in the background for these things. I appreciate the style and colors. Well, it's still good. By "silent" I guess you meant the stuff in the background lacking noise.

Okay, that was indeed very odd. You haven't submitted one of these episodes in literally twenty years. You've made so many series since than. I have no idea how to access the 76 episodes not on this website. These characters were unrecognizable from those versions. Dang, this was confusing.

Everyone just kept watching each other over and over. I admit it was indeed extremely funny. I mean, it was just joke after joke. My favorite bit was easily the Nostalgia Critic movie reference. I knew you'd mention AI at one point.

This wasn't anything with me. It was like watching cartoon! Well, that is nothing we can be afraid of. I really did like animation. I want to see this made into a full fledged series. It's just nothing too interesting for me. Even the title is just generic.

Still, the characters seem quite colorful. I mean, they seem to have different personalities. That's hard to set up in something so short. I don't think I've heard of you here before. It could just be longer.

This was a very well animated cartoon. I will admit it was kind of boring. I mean, it was just Gwimbly kicking a can and that was it. He was playing a game! I just expecting something more. That is the way these characters are introduced.

This character has gotten pretty popular lately. He has such an odd name. It sounds like Gumby's cousin. It's very simple. I love the artwork too.

NoodleDood12 responds:

I really appreciate you giving me your honest on this. I agree that its a little boring but my goal was to just make something short to show off the model. Kicking the can of corn was the least I could do while still referencing the character himself. I wanted to keep things short and simple in the end.
I'm happy you enjoyed it though. Thanks for the review :]

Wow, this was beautifully animated! It looked like it was stop motion or something. I bet it was. The colors were so wonderfully vibrant in this. The cryptids were so amazingly detailed. I love how they took a picture of her.

I think that was a joke for "The Most Interesting Man In The World". These look more like weird monsters. I guess that's what cryptids are. They kind of look like puppets. Whatever this is, it's amazing.

Wow, this one really stuck out as great for today. The best part was easily the cat. I mean, he was one cool cat! The mice were pretty interesting too. I just loved seeing this animation. It really was quite bizarre. Those rainbow mice looked like LCD hallucinations.

I bet that's what was in the cheese! The beat was very good too. I love how surreal it was. 2d-animation seems too common to be a tag. I felt bad for the cat. That's what cats do.

When you said "season", I thought you were going to show every episode from a lesson. I'm glad you didn't. You have created a beautiful, wonderful world. I still think the story could be a little better. I was impressed at how unique these powers were. My favorite was probably the black arm.

It's been too long between episodes. You didn't need dialogue. The villain is probably my favorite character. I also love those powers he has with his halo. It isn't one of my favorites, but still great.

I'm glad you apologizing for this short cartoon. I can only imagine how hard it can be to come up with characters. It was very nice to see this animation style. We've been having a lot of those things lately. I loved how it fit. Please make it longer, though.

I haven't seen a handheld system that like in a long time, though. It looks like it was based on Tamagotchi. This guy kind of looks like an orange dinosaur. Don't remind me of the orange dinosaur's fate in that Kraft cartoon. That one was still better.

violxiv responds:

Well It's just I would rather put my energy into more substantial projects than spending all day on memes.

and It's a DS, not a tamagotchi?

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