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The best one was the original. I loved how he was stuck there. It's nice to explain Hammerspace. The second to last one was great too. I still think she looks like Anais from Gumball. The best part was probably that last punchline.

It was great how he was cured of his hero worship. You just keep pumping this out. They're very funny. I do wish there was some indication of when one ended. I mean, I can still figure it out.

Wow, this was really crazy! I especially loved the animation. It was so hard to tell what she was saying. I especially liked how confused everyone was. It just seemed to go on. Her boobs looked like they belonged to Lady Deadpool!

Yeah, I saw "Deadpool And Wolverine". She was so huge and the others were so small. It was fun with how frustrated these characters were. I didn't know that could be so hard to pronounce. This was very funny and worthy of its high score.

Oh, so this did appear in the Weekly Top 10 list after all. How could I have missed that? I didn't know what to expect here. It seems most logical that the bomb would just disappear. It was so refreshing to see a gag like that. I love the explosion mark too.

Boom makes a lot of sense for a title. It may have been a single gag, but most of these cartoons are. Well, it was a bit shorter than most. It's great we have someone who can make great cartoons so consistently. Pebbles has been through so much.

This might sound silly, but this was adorable! It's mostly because of Mothra's voice. She's animated so adorably here! I could easily tell it was audio taken from an actual Con. I love the emotion Mothra shows. She can tell she's getting angrier as it goes on.

It was great to show that video too. Mothra just covers the guy with her wings before eating her. I guess I'm not even that familiar with the character. We need more female kaiju. I just love the way Mothra moves her mouth. What a wonderfully unique cartoon!

I loved the author's comments. This was just so wacky I couldn't help but love it. Nothing made sense in here and it was hilarious! I kept thinking it was a reference to the third Sonic movie. I mean, I think that about pretty much everything Sonic now. I guess it was just a standard Sonic cartoon.

Tails had the funniest design. I knew there'd be a bed bugs joke. I love how Big just shows up for no reason. Nothing really does happen for a reason here other than to be funny. This was just delightfully wacky.

Wow, it's been a while since I've seen an FNF related cartoon here. The best part was probably the music. The frame rate probably could have been better. I love the references to bronies and "Minecraft". Yep, those have even more massive fanbases. The song is just great.

It seems like a lot of original songs here don't go beyond 2 minutes. This truly felt like a full blown music video. Well, it was. It's great to see them fight the robots like that. It made sense to defeat them that way in the end.

I have to admit I didn't think this was that good. I mean, the animation is still nice. It just wasn't that entertaining. I still appreciate how you have a good use of colors. The grass without the black outlines. This guy looked like a Creeper from "Minecraft".

I noticed his blue pants were entirely colored at the end. The blue was off. I guess it's okay for something really quick. I'm glad you're thanking your fans for something. The colors were fairly good.

Creeperforce24 responds:

Makes sense, this was made in only 3 days. Schedule was tight asf

Solito responds:

Thank you so much for the review! It was a quick one and it's the first time I've done something other than an animatic or something for FNF, I really appreciate your words!

This does indeed sound like something from Vine. Honestly, the best part might have been that disclaimer right at the beginning. This was indeed safe for work. Well, there has to be an "A" rating of course. I guess I need to be more familiar with STTNG. I recognized the characters at least!

I can still appreciate how good this animation is. I haven't seen that many Vine videos. I'm so used to OneyPlays! This is still rather good. It took this long to get frontpaged?!

Congratulations on getting headlined! I believe that's what it's called. A gang of chimpanzees? Now that's what I call gorilla warfare! If only she had bananas to calm them down. I wasn't expecting that f bomb.

This was mostly kid friendly. I really loved how spunky this main character was. The voice suited her just perfectly! The colors were just so wonderfully bright. It was just so fast moving it was hard to keep up with.

That was a fine little cartoon. I mean, it didn't have much going on. I'm glad it didn't get too violent. I would want it to be longer. It still gets its message across better well. Wait, Kirby and Sonic?

Another movie idea?! No, that'll never happen. I can see why the rating is high. I would love to see a "Super Smash Bros." tribute like this. It certainly seems like that would work.

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