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Aww, I should have known this would have a higher rating. While I did like this, I just didn't think it was great. It was still too long. Okay, this was definitely a good cartoon. The animation was what made it. I love how anti-climactic it was.

I mean, they never DID say that there would be any games. This reminds me of the "Invader Zim" episode "Door To Door". It had essentially the same plot, but no heroin. Obviously, a lot of people worked on this. The animation was vaguely like Eddsworld.

Damn, that animation is good. I mean, with the mom especially. This was rather unpredictable. I mean, it was odd even knowing Miyazaki would appear. I was seriously afraid he'd say it was too soft. I'm glad NOX got what he deserved.

You know, scorn. The grossest part was the poop throwing. Boy, did this get worse. I like how simplistic his cartoon was. He needs to learn from you!

While not great, this was still good. It was great to introduce a new character. These cartoons rarely have talking. Well, except that one that came before this. I haven't seen the thief in awhile. That's what I call her, right?

It's a her, right? Look, it's hard to analyze these when they're so short. These are still good fun. I do wish you'd realize them all at once. Other people have done that.

Give how you spelled "drunk", I'm not sure you're sober either. I thought this was a good laugh. I just didn't love it, as most people do. Wow, the voice acting was quite good. I just assume every voice is just taken from some other audio nowadays. Wait, was that grammatically correct?

You're not fit to play basketball either. You know, "no dunk"? This was fairly well animated. I can at least like that. It's a fine little effort.

This was quite good. I like the picture of the guy holding up the boulder. It didn't mean anything, but was a nice little touch. You have such nice titles. I like this new thing. I don't really even know what's going on.

It's actually unique from your normal stuff. It had uh, dialogue. I guess I can understand why the score wasn't higher. The wizard isn't usually as prominent. You have good colors.

Wow, at first I thought this would be something different. You know, the title was just a joke. It is a rather bizarre premise. Well actually, the whole thing is pretty mundane by most cartoon standards. I like how this cartoon is divided into three neat parts. The first is just the joke.

Then there's the second part with the explanation. The third part is the credits. I can always count on great stuff from you. I believe a goat would do that. I believe these characters would react this way too.

I was wondering when the live-action bits would start. They ended up being half the cartoon! I totally saw that coming after awhile. I appreciate the puppetry. No, I don't consider puppetry to be a form of animation. A lot of people do.

It still belongs under live-action. I couldn't imagine being lactose intolerant. I freaking love milk! I love the techniques of both live-action and animation. I could see your arm! This was nicely creative.

Wow, this was weird. I don't know why we would have an "Other" category. I mean, stuff that doesn't fit into other categories would be under "Experimental", right? This did have good animation. For something surreal, it worked quite well. I couldn't even see the live-action parts.

I mean, it was hard to tell. There were definitely some weird effects being used. I'm glad it wasn't too long. There seemed to be more animation than live-action. Oh who cares, this was still very creative.

Oh, so this is part of a jam after all? I knew it couldn't be coincidence we got live-action stuff recently. We'll still never get back "Numa Numa Dance". I'll never let that go! The animation was great! The live-action was uh, great too!

My favorite part was when the cat appeared at the end. Cats just make everything better. You guys use the Roger Rabbit effect well. We won't get into Network Decay! I've been naming a lot of tropes here too.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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