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Mario was hilarious in this. The best part was how the audio clips were so random. "Pizza" puns are always funny. There's an actual tag for "Mario large breasts"? It wasn't about Mario with large breasts. The animation was great.

By that, I mean the animation besides Mario. I assume Mario's the one who gave it to her. He really is a jerk. At least it wasn't covid. No wait, AIDs is worse. This deserves its praise.

What the heck?! Why doesn't "Badgers" have its own section here? There's so many derivatives! It should be under "Memes And Trends". Whatever, this was great. I had fun seeing how old badgers.

I don't know how long they live. I'm pretty sure I heard "snake" and not "snerk". I've always been fascinated how the original goes out of sync after awhile. It doesn't with this new format. It's nice to see you in person. You should do a remake with raccoons!

Woah, this was incredible! I'm usually used to your goofier cartoons. Those are great, but not as good as this! The length was great too! It's hard to see you making something this long. I'm not familiar with Miles Morales.

I appreciate how wonderful everything looks. It's just an amazing cartoon. I include lego stuff as animation. I didn't even need to be familiar with the exact characters to love this. I'd love to see you do more serious stuff. Well, action at least.

I honestly wasn't expecting it to get that dark. Then again, it's still kind of open-minded. I didn't know that was Miku at first. Psychedelics can make you see anything, I imagine. The colors were great. It was still good.

I didn't know this was her birthday. I realize there's not much of Miku here. That is kind of weird. So is this cartoon. I didn't think it was great, but good for Miku fans.

I loved this, if only because it was Ollie and Scoops related. It was still longer than some submissions here. The best part was probably everything. I mean, I'm used to longer episodes. I imagine it would be hard for a cat to get fixed. I've heard the procedure is completely painless.

Getting declawed is worse. The build up with these sounds were amazing. It's delightfully goofy. It's as good as most full-length episodes. I'd love to see more quickies. I'd love to see more of anything Ollie and Scoops related of course.

"Why you gotta be f**king weird?". Because everything else is. The best parts were the beginning and end. I loved seeing the action. Then again, this was drama. The best part was probably at the beginning.

With no dialogue, you showed how beautiful everything was detailed. I'm surprised this wasn't under "Experimental". Wow, popular enough to make your own Merch! That's no easy task, I imagine. The animation is of course fantastic.

I guess I have to give you credit for bringing up an old meme. Well, some memes never die. You know, like the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Anakin not liking sand. I still think she looks like Queen Chrysalis. This was a good little cartoon. It's just not great.

I guess it might grow on me. So do most Caramelldansen cartoons. The background's kind of nice. The voice is just a little annoying. At least it's nice for a quick view.

Dude, that was by far the best installment in this series! It was just amazing how beautiful it was. I'm so glad it had no dialogue. Well, there was some audio here and there. You have truly transformed this series. Then again, it skipped an episode.

A lot certainly happened there. I loved how graceful it was. It was so interesting to see a series I wasn't impressed with get so much better. I'm glad I'm following you. If only it was a cat with a jetpack.

I originally thought this was just going to be an intro or a music video. I now understand how so many people could have worked on it. The artwork is fantastic! It was animated like The Annoying Orange, but not entirely. I loved seeing that Sonic popsicle. I have worried about the door in the freezer closing on me too.

These backgrounds are incredible! There's Amongus at 9:11! Wow, that sounds disturbing. Damn, that was a downer ending. I guess Jack's still alive, at least.

Aww, gildedguy! What a great character! It's hard to keep up with all the stick flashes. I love the animation as always. It's certainly going to be a good one! The all capitals really emphasize it.

In some shots, he looks like one of the Castle Crashers. The first shot might have been the best. I just loved the fine details of course. It's not that short for a preview. We love it more for that.

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