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I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't about the puzzles. What am I saying? I just got into an apartment for the first time! I should love this! Anyway, it's still nice to have an interesting plot. I admit to being weirded out by her swearing.

It was hilarious, though! Yeah, I've never even heard language like that in ANYTHING you've done. To hear so much of it was so awesome. I have tried Sudoku a few times. Congrats on always winning awards!

I can't freaking believe this! You actually won the Daily Feature AND Weekly User's Choice on Madness Day! I guess these guys are declining. I personally didn't find this to be your best. My favorite was the previous one. The funniest bit was probably when you mentioned the Sonny joke.

Lol, I didn't get it at first. The voice work and animation were as good as ever. It's neat to see the conclusion. Everyone just has so much personality. I do think some of the Madness Day submissions were better.

That was completely amazing! I feel bad about saying this other cartoon was the best Madness flash of this Madness Day! I really had no idea what was going on. It was at the end where it was just weird. Was that going into Hank's head or something? It looked CGI!

I'm glad to see yet another new style for this series. You even seemed to use different styles for this. That's always fun. It even seemed more distinct than a lot of collabs I've seen. You do the series so much justice. Madness forever!

I wasn't expecting this to be a three part episode! It was weird to start a series like this. This is of course freaking awesome, with the great animation and characterizations. Sonata is my favorite. I wish I knew what she even was. Everything is so wonderfully fast paced.

It's great to see all these great jokes. My favorite was probably when she mentioned referencing that thing she saw! That's how so many jokes are these days. The voicework is awesome. While not unique from the style of the other cartoons, still tons of fun.

I guess this wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't just so long! I am at least glad they weren't all released separately. That would have just been a headache to get through. I can see why this is the lowest rated thing for this year's Madness Day. The animation isn't that good. The best part is probably the music.

It was just awesome hearing that stuff! It doesn't come off as unique or anything. It could have been much better animated. I will admit that that's the first time I've seen Rebecca Black in a Madness video. That was the most unique thing here.

Yep, this was freaking awesome! What really impresses me is how you capture the spirit of the Madness series so well. I just love seeing Hank as a woman! I admit it's kind of weird, but a girl in Madness? That's something new and original! It's weird because Krinkels HAS made cartoons with women.

They just weren't animated in this style. The music was great too. A little short, but still great. Congratulations on your Daily Feature for uh, the day before Madness Day 2015! It has as much energy as most Madness flashes.

This is my favorite submission of this year's Madness Day! It's simply great to see all you guys come together. Then again, I don't know most of you guys. It's great to be introduced to new people. There were just so many new and unique things, I don't even know when to start. This is a pretty basic design that these characters have.

You still all managed to be quite unique. I remember Hank with the lobster arm now. It was just great not knowing what crazy thing would show up next. My favorite might be the masked green warrior. Then again, a lot of them are green. May this series live on forever!

It must be great for Krinkels to be credited on so many different things. Happy Madness Day, my friend! This had everything that the holiday should have. It reminds me that it's been awhile since I've seen the original series. I don't think a lot of these guys are in it. Congrats on your awards!

It's weird to win Second Place on everything but Review Crew Pick. I thought the cartoon was over when it showed the blue screen. Yeah, I knew there were more minutes left. I feel bad for not counting all the deaths. The evil face looks like something out of a creepypasta!

When I first came across this, I knew it would be just an infinite loop. That doesn't really it wasn't good! I truly appreciate the visuals in this. I couldn't quite get the big picture at first. Luckily, I had all eternity to figure it out. I guess it's meant to be some deep metaphor.

You know, about the dangers of capitalism or something. Maybe it was more about self destruction. The animation was as fluid and wonderful as ever. Uh...Happy Madness Day? Congrats on winning a daily award on this holiday!

I have never heard of this game before. Well, not until you talked about it, obviously! I was quite impressed at how good the animation was. I will admit that it went on a bit too long. There was too much dialogue. Then again, that was probably just what the original game did.

It was really funny with the comment about the half naked women. I'm currently looking at some right now... Anyway, it's weird how this doesn't even have a thumbnail. It won Daily Feature and Weekly 3rd Place! People love it!

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