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While the idea wasn't that unique, I still loved this. It's mostly because the animation is so good. You get to see a lot of great facial expressions in this. It's perfectly cartoonish. I'm just so glad you made it, because Disney is known for being protective of their characters. Then again, Viacom's worse.

Well, maybe it's less about characters and more about the actual content. Anyway, the music was really fun. I loved how you had names for everyone. You didn't even say most of them until the credits! Most of us are just guessing who they're based on.

This definitely got better as they went on! I am confused as to why the Smiths (sounds like a family) were purple at first and then blue. I thought the action was great. I loved how you used audio from the movie. Dang, this film was everywhere. Why does everyone hate it so much?

I appreciate the background. They are wonderfully vectored. You get a great perspective of everything. You rarely see stick flashes here anymore. We should have them!

I admit that the animation doesn't seem to hold up well. It's still quite funny. I really appreciate how there are a lot fewer pop culture references this time. I thought they were kind of annoying before. The only cutaway gag was the Alf one. The best joke is probably the fourth wall one.

I guess not much was accomplished here. I liked how it had a good length. Two part episodes here rarely do that. The voice work was fairly good too. I'll never get over how Waterman's pants are so flesh colored, it looks like he's wearing nothing down there.

It's mostly just one joke, but it is really funny. Hey, he managed to progress some! It's nice to see when "The Matrix" was really big. Then again, a lot of people don't like the sequels. This seemed more animated than usual. There are in fact people who think the Matrix is real.

Of course, if it was, why would there be a movie showing us what it was? Great point. I like how Foamy has a visible mouth. That sounds dirtier than in my mind. Those sunglasses were pretty cool.

Yes, it is like "Family Guy"...but it's still hilarious! This one seemed to have fewer references too. I admit the part with the Magic School Bus was quite funny. I don't quite get the Hamburglar joke, though. It seems like the screen could have been smaller. The animation was still pretty good, though.

It's funny how she's just called Ice Cream Girl. I guess it's easy to remember these names. I'm glad it wasn't really short. Normally, it's pretty short when it's just a part of something. I rarely see stuff about ping pong.

It's always great to see the start of a new series! Well, this is over a decade now. I wasn't thinking about "Invader Zim" when looking at this. I was thinking more about Foamy from "Neurotically Yours". You know, the way he talked to the audience. This guy is much more entertaining.

The voice was quite funny. It was great how you referenced the Gradius code. I don't think I've ever played the game, but I do know about the code. I guess the title did it justice. It was cool to see your drawings of the game.

I can see why this is one of your most popular submissions. The best part is probably the animation. I am really impressed at how different the zombies look. It's a really nice dark ending too. I simply love zombies. The only thing I didn't like was how it was an infinite loop.

That really only works with music videos. It's still lots of fun. It's short, but certainly sweet. The lack of dialogue makes it all the more effective. I'm glad you're known for this.

I'm surprised this has a fairly low rating! It won the Daily Feature it deserved. I'm just so glad you made another one of these. This didn't have anything to do with Halloween. Well, there was still violence of some kind. Barbara Streisand sounds pretty good.

That was pretty funny at the end. It was just great to see all this random gore. It kind of reminds me of "Happy Tree Friends". Well, with actual talking. It looks like it says, "Jacob the second".

I'm glad it was a multi part episode. It seemed to end pretty abruptly. I loved the animation as usual. It's pretty easy to recognize your voices. Yeah, I can tell it's all from the same person. I still appreciate how funny it is.

It's great to see you making yet another series. You've made so many great ones! It's nice how they all keep the same spirit. It's great to be introduced to these characters with their weird names. You're creative with those.

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