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It was great to see you work on a Mortal Kombat flash. I admit it could have been funnier. What was with the Nightwolf one? It was just him throwing a cake. This aired on Valentine's Day! Pity it has nothing to do with the holiday.

I'm sure you can do better. I did like the dick joke. It can be done well. You certainly made a variety of cartoons. At least you have a high score.

I appreciate Tricky flashes. I'm so mad he doesn't have his own section. Anyway, I heard this song before. It's quite appropriate. Too bad you have to keep hearing that song at the end. I'm getting used to that intro.

Pigs are usually funny. While not elaborate, it was nice. I wish animutations were still around. Well, there's always YTP. It's a video collage.

Yeah, I didn't care much for this. I guess you had to be a fan. I've never even heard of Bonanza. I know a fair amount about video games. I mean, I liked the sprite work. BlackDragon?

Your name is BlackerOuT. Well, you can have different aliases. It was at least unique. It's just not memorable. There's so many flashes out there!

I was pretty impressed! This seemed to be pretty dumb. I think it's about chickens attacking people. It was way better than I thought. My only complaint is that it was too short. I wanted to see more of this!

It's so fast paced. Stick flashes never will die. Sorry, Ben Spurgin. He didn't hate stick flashes anyway. Chickens are always funny.

jerrylov29 responds:

And sorry for the short length. hope this problem will disappear in my next animations.
And chickens are ALWAYS funny xD

It's great to see where this series started. Looking back, it really does hold up! It's especially fun how every single figure has a specific role. It's fun to see how much damage the set takes. Not as much as the victims though! The animation is a bit dated.

You of course got better. Great to get better with something that's already really good! There were a lot of things where you had to click to advance the dialogue. I thought TTA did that first.

Very impressive! I really had no idea what to expect from this! Everything was so stylistic. It really was unique for you. I can always count on you to make something different. You didn't make many sequels.

The stand alone stuff was great. The colors were great. Look at these awards and high score! The sounds were especially nice. It was quite unpredictable.

You know? I think this 4.23 score was in fact earned. The best part is probably how it serves purpose for you. If you can't get everything submitted, just submit them all at once! You can submit blammed stuff to other websites. Well, they probably wouldn't want them.

This was quite nice. I especially like the Butt plugs one. I heard that audio before. Have those people seriously not heard of butt plugs? He said it very clearly!

I liked how the punchline escalated. I especially enjoyed how it built up. It's not one of my favorite flashes. It's just kind of nice. The animation could be better. Well, it is just sticks.

You can still do more. I did not see that end coming. It does kind of make sense. The running time was alright. It's fine for a quick watch.

I didn't care much for this. I did like the setup. He's a dragon, right? It's so hard to keep track of every character here. I wish this had its own series page. The animation doesn't hold up that well.

Was it a trailer? It didn't work well as a full fledged cartoon. Well, they can be short. It's nothing memorable. I'm more into your games.

Dizimz responds:

keep in mind, i was 12 and 13 when i made this stuff lol

Yeah, I wish this was made too. Well, you abandoned your sprite work eventually. At least you still made later stuff. The sprite work here is nice. This audio is great. Was this actual audio from the games?

I love Dr. Wily's voice. I have no idea who Hock is. I'm kind of familiar with these games. Oh, it was audio from "Transformers". I need to look at the credits and info.

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