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Why'd you think this was retarded? I liked this! In fact, most people do! I especially appreciated the use of original characters. This should have its own page under Series. I'm always weirded out by how they have pages on obscure stuff here.

The animation is dated. That can be forgiven. I appreciate the colors. I had no this idea this was guy was a dragon. Then again, I didn't know what he was.

This was incredible! My only problem is that it was too short. I still loved it! The best part was probably these gorgeous colors. I really have no idea what's going on and I don't care. I can tell it was inspired by "Mario Kart".

The title seemed so dirty. I loved the random stuff, like the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It's hard to go into much detail about something so short. It's just so awesome it speaks for itself. Just great in its premise. It deserves its Daily Feature.

JaninaPutzker responds:

Awww you found the Spaghetti Monster! xD <3

I felt this was quite weak. I mean, it was just the monster running into stuff. I'm not familiar with the "Ski Free" game. The graphics seem cheap. Well, that was probably the joke. It's too short.

You have made better submissions. You are pretty talented. It was too dull. There's just nothing to talk about. Maybe if I played the game, I would like it.

It's kind of sad when a cartoon mocking crappy movies isn't that good itself. It's still not crappy. I do like seeing Butters. Well, someone who looks like Butters. The voice was kind of funny. Was the "Pokémon" poster meant to be anti-Pokémon?

Everyone's pro-Pokémon now. I liked how you killed the guy. This was mediocre at best. It was probably too short. It can be watchable.

This was just okay. I liked seeing Mario. It was weird how it had comedic moments, but was serious near the end. Well, I guess we can work with different genres. The music was pretty good. It's nothing special.

I'm at least somewhat familiar with "Final Fantasy VII". That's the one, right? It reminded me of "Super Smash Bros.". Everyone's in that nowadays. Your other submissions are better.

This might be the best Pube Muppet cartoon ever made. It completely abandons the standard formula. Instead, it takes place entirely in a car. DrunkMagiKoopa didn't even use the usual punchline. We saw some action! Of course, given Pube Muppet's descriptions, I wouldn't want to see action in these.

I can understand why DMK didn't like this series. It is pretty boring. I'm glad this had a car crash at the end. So this series can have variety. It should have its own section.

I personally thought this was too short. I mean, it was still nice. I liked seeing this action. Synj seems like an interesting character. You've created a lot of them over the years. The music was fairly nice as well.

I liked the strange capitalization in this. It's fun to name something 0. I guess it has to exist at some point. Or rather not, as it represents nothing. It certainly has style.

I truly appreciated how bizarre it was. I wish there were more fake lyrics. It sounds like he said, "Martin Luther Cat" at some point. I guess anyone can hear it how they please. I think this was German. I know little about foreign languages.

I liked the action. It was nice to see StrawberryClock. Maybe there could be an epilepsy warning? Well, I know little about that too. RIP DrunkMagiKoopa, wherever you are.

I've seen "McCain's Sexy Outrage" so many times it's neat to be familiar with your other works. I recognize most of these characters. You were fond of the censored Toad woman. I like that Mario image too. This is just your way of drawing Bowser. Weirdest Rule 34 ever.

Well, just a dildo might not count. This had a good running time too. I like these funny titles. DrunkMagikoopa was pretty talented. I remember those shine things.

I didn't like this at all. It was way too short. It was just a bunch of pictures moving around. The original was much better. Why is the "war" in lower case? That makes it look way less epic!

Not much of a war. Your other cartoons are much better. It wasn't much of a parody. The concept seems to have lost its originality. I guess it's not the worst out there.

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