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Boy, was that awkward! I didn't even know what was going on at the end. It's probably meant to be surreal. I not about that meme so I can easily understand it. As Syndrome would say, "You sly dog! You caught me monologuing!".

I've learned a lot about "Postal" from this. I probably won't remember it. Wait, is that ironic? I know how to use a toilet. That's the most important message I got from this.

I have to admit this was too short. It wasn't as good as the other one I reviewed. I was also distracted by the furry porn. This was still well done. The coronavirus joke was great. I still know little about "Postal".

I think you should have submitted all these together. Well, this still works. The voiceover is good. At least the furry porn wasn't graphic. I'm just not a furry, except for Rouge.

When in doubt, don't do what the movies say. I don't even know how those work. They're right! I don't recall cutting green in movies. That makes sense! Their voices are so funny.

It's been awhile since we've seen "Team Fortress 2". They're so iconic. It's great to see that they never went away. De-Fusion? That's a "Yu-Gi-Oh" card.

That was great, but it was too short. It still worked for being brilliant. It seemed like something out of "Big Mouth". You know, with the gun coming to life in bed. He probably does want to have sex with it. This certainly moved fast.

With something so short, it needs to be like that. I loved how unpredictable it was. I just loved this guy's voice. He looks like Rusty Venture. I'm not familiar with "Postal" at all.

That was very nicely animated, even though it was too short. I did like how it was fairly simple. Why would Luigi speak in Spanish? He's Italian! I don't think he's voiced by someone Italian. Maybe someone will make a horrible documentary about it.

I love the simple description. It seemed like it was more focused on Mario. I think the setup is pretty funny. Toad must have died a bunch of times to get last place. Well, he's not that talented.

This was good, but I didn't love it. It was mostly because the animation was off-putting. I guess it's probably meant to look like that. It still had interesting ideas. I had no idea that was "ghost sewage". It reminded me of what was left over of the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man.

That would make sense with the ghost theme. It had good lines. I'm glad it wasn't too long. I like the setup for the next episode. I won't say "sequel".

That's weird. There were twenty seconds of darkness. Hey, you're also a Newgrounder! Don't forget that! I would think the worst work day was when you were fired. Well, assuming it was a good job to begin with.

My worst was when I got fired for working only a week and a half at Sonny's. I'm just bad as a cashier. You know, maybe I shouldn't write these reviews with my own personal life. The best joke was the pronunciation one at the beginning. Yeah, you should be happy.

I love this cartoon because of how informative it is. I know that Rule 63 is universally accepted. For every male given male character, there is a female version of that character and vice versa. Cybermare sounds like Maud Pie. This may be even better than anything submitted for Pico Day, honestly. What's wonderful is that you could think of any rules that make sense and I can make some myself.

Do not insult Mr. Rogers. Do not insult Yotsuba. If it exists, God hates it according to the Westboro Baptist Church. Do not defend "Cuties", ever. There is "My Little Pony" of it, no exceptions. If it can be eaten, it can be fried.

I expected this to be really short and it was longer than I thought. I really appreciated that! Anyone would do that if a machine gun was pulled out. I'm so proud of Darnell. Zone-tan is becoming more of a character all the time. Damn, how was this not immediately frontpaged?

I guess it's impossible to keep up with them all. The music was great. I never even realized Pico was a ginger. Thanks for pointing that out! I'm tired of that no soul meme.

This kind of reminded me of Jerry Jackson. I've seen him, like everything else today. I admit I wish there was sound. I can see why people didn't like this. Well, I can't do much better. Oh, I'm sure I could put in music.

Girlfriend's gotten so fat. Everyone's fairly nicely distorted. It just isn't satisfying. I guess I could say you tried. It needed sounds of some kind.

MrScottyPieey responds:

i was to late to make this

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