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I guess if I was a fan of GOT I would have enjoyed this more. I mostly didn't care for this because I didn't really understand it. I do understand if you are a big fan of the series. I thought I knew enough about tropes to be familar with anything? Well, the animation was as good as ever. I especially like the one shown in the last scene.

There's always theories to a characters being someone's father or that guy in the future. I will say it was funny to make jokes about buckets of nipples. It's just an image that's so insane it comes off as entertaining. I don't know if they're speaking a real language. Of course, all languages are technically made up.

Okay, I wish I could understand what that was all about. I mean, it's still better than a lot of other crappy flashes where nothing but random things happen. I can't really say I want you to improve, because you already have. I think it's interesting to see how far you have come. I think this was supposed to be like "The Demented Cartoon Movie!". It's strange how things work better when they're a lot longer.

If I had a favorite part, it would probably be the end where the guy got crushed by a giant boulder. It had color! Then again, most Madness flashes work like that too. You certainly must have had a random day animating this. It's just that your later work is much better.

It's interesting to see how far this goes into the series. I am starting to understand the characters much better. It's still fairly ambigious, but it's nice to look at. I like the notion of a dragon being sympathetic. I just love how stupid the main character is and how he pours all these body fluids out in the end. It's just a funny image in sprite.

I'm glad there are cartoons like this that still use sprite. I guess I'm just old fashioned. I think my favorite part would be when that one guy is stabbed by the shadowy figure. Too bad he's a bad guy. I think it's cool how there's this medieval atmosphere, but there's still machine guns.

StudioJOHO responds:

cheers mate, the guy who gets stabbed is actually a girl btw

I noticed that this didn't have a preview image when I saw it. I can't believe I'm one of the first people to notice a flash that will get popular! That being said, I was quite impressed by this. I will say that I think the jokes went on a bit too long. You could still get some strong emotions out with how good the voices were. That reminds me, I haven't seen any Egoraptor flashes lately.

Well, you'll probably manage to beat a Pico flash for Daily Feature. It helps that the artwork is as great as usual. I just love Egoraptor in this. He just points out how crazy everything is, but doesn't really care about how everything is the subject of rape. Eh, that probably happened to him too somewhere along the way.

Well, I admit that it was pretty disappointing to see it end so soon. What does matter is that it really did have a nice feeling to it. It makes it feel like this is just another day in the life of Pico. With all the crap he's gone through, that would certainly make sense. The animation was really freaking slick in this! The music was also really cool.

The main flaw is that it just does not go on too long. I love zombies and you need to have more of them being destroyed. Just having there doesn't do much for me. I'm starting to get used to that Pico Day 2013 logo. There has been a nice variety of them this year.

I'm glad to finally be able to review one of these. I love the fact that you're posting them on this website. They may not be very popular, but are still good in their own rights. I haven't seen many of the NOES films, so I don't know how accurate this is. It's a very well done cartoon. I was thinking that if you were going to be involved in something gay, might as well have the guy be attractive!

Wait, what did I just say? It's nice to see how well the artwork moves. I imagine Freddy goes into some pervy dreams every now and then. He should be able to use his glove in real life, I think. Again, not all that familiar with the mythology.

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