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Very deep

I do not know much about these characters themselves, but it is easy to so why this is popular. It has some of the most creative and fascinating sprite work in a Mega Man flash. It is something which is truly not action motivated, but character motivated. I love these voices and am glad you only got the top notch actors for these. I love the little things going on in the background and the designs and everything. If anybody was going to make a great movie based on a video game, it would be like this.

FlameZero responds:

Thank you for your review. I appreciate it a lot.
You might like this:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
It's the closure movie I uploaded for the series.

It will never end!

This was an awesome cartoon to watch because it shows that the action genre will never stop being cool. "Dragonball Z" style fighting and "Matrix" music will simply never go out of our roots. It also helps that the animation is great and the sticks are so cool to use. The best part is near the end with that big machine. All of the little things make this good, like the tank swirling in the vortex. This is a demonstration of what Newgrounds and other action cartoons are all about and how this site will never die!

One of the best

This is one of my favorite entries in the series and definitley the best before, say, 2006. You really even manage to keep me up by learning vocabulary as I had no clue what "depredation" even meant. I think this really sets up the mythos of the series well. It shows Hank, Jebus, and Tricky in their best environments that shows who they are and what they do. The music is some of the best giving out a real twisted and haunting tone. Hank's design in this may be the best he has had in the series.

No, a dead cat

This is where the robots interacting with each other seems to really meet full circle. I loved this cartoon because it was a great representation of the stereotypical goth. Kegomatic's cameo make it for me, but she should have met Sadbot. I find it funny how Gothbot complains about her sister always getting more attention, but later she says she annoyed at her mother giving her affection. You really get the sense that she has only herself to blame for her woes. The voices and animation were great and appropriate as usual.

The real Dane Cook!

It must have been so awesome to get an actual celebrity to do a voice in your cartoon. You would think that you would become a more noted animator because of that. I think this is one of the lesser things you have submitted, but still funny. It is a bit sad how this never got more than one episode as you apparently planned for more. I like the old man in this and how annoyed he gets at Dane and the demon baby. It does kind of make you wonder how that portal to Hell got there in the first place.

I love it!

This is one of the best in the series, perhaps only because this and Geekbot are the characters I can most associate myself with. It is great to see her interacting with Angrybot, her polar opposite. Her voice is just so unfathomably suitable for her character. It was also funny to see her get a little mad during the group therapy. I think I might have inherited these traits from my mom, as she is obsessed with spirituality. I also love how you omit the dark lines on the sides, a rare early use.

Not that much personality

I think it was interesting to do a cartoon about a robot who did not have an emotion in his name. He is also the only one who does not have "Bot" in his name. I like how he is so amazingly egotistical, he could have been called Egobot or something. I can totally imagine people like this, especially artists struggling for work. Now in terms of what I thought of his paintings, I thought they were okay. As a prolific reviewer, I can even understand to a certain extent what it is like to want to be recognized for your work.

Very clever

Here you went with another funny cartoon, because it is funny to make fun of how people are so miserable in themselves. What works out is that the robot does not even say what it is he is so sad about. I guess he was programmed to be sad for no reason. I really like it how everyone else is just so happy and cheerful around him. Seeing as how he seems to get angry at times, I would like to see him meet Angrybot. We can all say that we met a person like this in our lives, and that goes for everyone else.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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