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This was better than the original. I still wouldn't go so far as to recommend it. The animation still looks off. You definitely got better jokes here. I especially loved the Dragonball Z references. I'm just a sucker for that stuff.

I think most of us are. It was pretty faithful to the movie. Well, you got the scenes right is what I mean. I recognize those logos. It's weird you would use that in a movie. Happy "Star Wars" sequels, I guess!

I wasn't that impressed by this. It's mostly because of the cheesy animation. There just isn't much to admire. I guess the voices weren't that bad. I liked some of the jokes. It seemed like the logos went on forever at the beginning!

You had some pretty lame Monty Python references. With all being said, there were some good parts. I liked the parts with General Greivous. I'm glad it was divided into two cartoons. Those logos are pretty cool.

squeakytoad responds:

Haha I guess couldn’t do better 15 years ago (I was 13).

I think this is the last Kirby cartoon you submitted here. You really have advanced with the animation. I wish Perfect Kirby 4 would come out. While short, a lot happened here. I guess I just liked the simplicity. There's so much going on with such a simple premise.

It's kind of nice to see Kirby get hurt. I mean, he hurts other people so much. Love the Smith cameos! This just keeps on escalating with its hilarity. Hot dogs are worth it.

Crap! This awesome cartoon won all three main awards except for Daily Feature! How is that even possible?! Anyway, this is a simply fantastic cartoon dude. I couldn't pinpoint the animation style down. I think I couldn't because it's simply so distinct! Everything is so gorgeous!

There's just nothing but action over and over again! Everything is so nice and slick. I just love the sound effects too. None of this makes any sense but I don't care. It just keeps getting more insane and more awesome! I don't know how I missed this before!

EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

Thank you so much that means a lot to us!

Wow, that was really impressive. It actually did have some great action in it. It was also surprisingly heartwarming. I don't know if that was the intention. There was just so much you did with this simple concept. You just had no idea what was going to happen next.

Everything just moved so wonderfully. I liked all the fine details. For something focusing on tanks, it gave a pretty peaceful message. I remember these games. Is "scorched" spelled correctly?

Yeah, I didn't care much for this. It wasn't funny or anything. I guess it's a harmless cartoon. It's at least nice to see the story move along. There just isn't much happening. The animation wasn't bad, I guess.

I suppose the best part was when the guy was mistaken for a cop. This is just mediocre. It was probably too short. Well, it could have been worse. This was just meh for me.

I was introduced to most of the Sonic characters through "Sonic X". I though this was meant to be like that at first. Anyway, it's nice to have this great animation. Rouge is as hot as ever. I feel bad for not being familiar with "Fullmetal Alchemist". I didn't understand this!

I can still appreciate a tribute to two such beloved things. It's just nice to see all these characters. I've grown accustomed to them. I think this holds up pretty well. Very nice with over a million views!

Wow, that was amazing! I feel like I should know these characters. You must have used them before. I feel so bad for not being familiar with your work. Well, it doesn't have that many views. The animation is gorgeous.

None of it makes sense, but it's still great. Even the title is awesome. I just have no clue what's going on. All I know is that it looks wonderful. It's a very unique cartoon.

I love how you promote yourself at the end. It's so self-referential! Anyway, the artwork in this was simply amazing. I love the bright colors. I admit that it's weird hearing him talk about how we shouldn't have another recession. Well, in 2007 we did! And now Donald Trump's President, there's a good chance we'll have another one.

Wow, so much happens in a decade. The voices are very funny too. I like the title card. It reminded me of the "Looney Tunes" cartoon "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery". Now that's a classic.

I was very impressed by the animation! I just loved how fluidly the animation was. It was awesome seeing all those Newgrounds characters. It was great to see the Hentai Simgirl reference. That's one of the most popular things on this entire website! It should be referenced more.

It's obviously a different voice with the song. I even found the bit with the credits quite good. This wasn't 2006 yet. Well, it was late 2005 at least. I think some people do that.

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