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Different kind of movie

I wasn't all that impressed by the animation (it really seemed like it was just a bunch of still images put together, and not that many different ones at that. I haven't played this video game so I couldn't really get the jokes. I will say that of all the mediocre things in this flash, at least you put in a really cool song to go with it.

eat-at-joes-guy responds:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You say you've never played the game, first mistake. Don't question the source material or the humour involved, otherwise you have no place judging anything but the appearance and animation in the first place. Still images? Please, go watch something else if you don't like intentional pose-to-pose animation. It's relevant to the humour.

Better than the fourth

I know it's weird reviewing these flashes in backwards order, but now that I knew a little more about it I was able to understand it more. I knew that this now supposed to be more of a comedy-like series so I could learn to appreciate it more for what it was meant to be, although I was kind of disturbed by all the gay jokes at the beginning.

Emptygoddess responds:

I don't know how much they were jokes and how much they just... were.

Short, but sweet

I was expecting this to be in a vain similar to that of "Nobodie's Shorts" and I guess it was, only it didn't have anything to do with the characters of Tomorrows Nobody. While I could sense the gag, it was still well executed. Even if you don't make more Tomorrows Nobody episodes, at least we'll have these around to entertain us.

I thought it was nice

This was definitley a lot different than most of the stuff you submit here, especially with how it used actual color and different shapes. I guess it was meant to be a subversion of the notion that there always has to be voilence and destruction, but this pig showed that he was not a nasty pig, representing some deep philosophical thing or something like that.

Pretty enjoyable

I was half-expecting this to be a joke flash with the "LULZ" reference, but I was surprised. While not as good as something like the Street Fighter Collab, this was still pretty enjoyable. Granted, it was a bit disturbing to see so many gay jokes but the good outweighed the bad. My favorite was the one with Mr. Popo and Kami. The artist's works were good too.

That kid's really f**ked up

I thought this was a fairly nice little cartoon. While it didn't have much movement, it certainly made up for it with the nice animation! It brings a sort of sketchy look onto it, but makes a person think of more sophisticated animation. By the way, if you were a guy and really did do that with a tampon, would you bleed? I don't see why you would.

The cake is a lie

This was okay. I couldn't really understand what was going on (I'm not a fan of slash pairings really) and it was a bit disturbing at how Harry Potter sounded so much like a girl. I will give you credit for giving a good voice cast, and I liked how you credited everybody at the end. "Black chocolate" is kind of catchy, you know.

Loved all of it!

I hope this goes on to win every single award including Daily Feature, Weekly User's Choice, and Review Crew Pick! This was absolutely fantastic!!! I loved the animation and the slick style of movements, especially with the fight scene in the dark, not to mention the voice work was great as well! I also liked how him winning was completely subverted but ended with the hopes of him coming back. I will also add that making a hero out of tar from the minds of robots is a pretty original idea!

Oh, that Jesus

Always getting killed and ressurected, you know. Then again, it did only happen to him once in the Bible at least. Anyway, I liked this pretty well. It worked nice as a goofy quickie, especially with the last one of him simply giving him and committing suicide. You get a 8 though, because of that awesome picture of the lolcat in the uh "Easter Egg".

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