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I don't remember the other installments. Well, hard to keep track of six cartoons. It needs its own section! Not as good as "Castle Repercussions" but still great. The best part is probably how anthropomorphic these guys can get. They really do feel more like stick figures.

It's nothing but action. It still doesn't come off as stupid. That's what they said about "Bumblebee"! This was very fun. It's always nice to have scene selection too.

This was good, but I didn't think it was great. Boy, do I have power! I thought this was a game at first. I was thinking of the fan game made after Ben died. This is still good. The running time was pretty nice.

This really is a well animated cartoon. There's lots of action. Ben was so unique with his stuff. He seems like he was made by a different artist than "Stick Slayer". Maybe pee is too crude.

I can tell "The Matrix Revolutions" came out at this time. I thought everyone hated that movie? I think this was your first submission. It really had nothing to do with "The Matrix". This is still a good song. Before most websites, this was an easy way to hear songs.

It was too short. We want to hear the whole song. Still, it's okay for a first submission. I like the "Thing-Thing" series much better. Doesn't everybody?

I have never seen this movie. I recognize the parts from the Nostalgia Critic's review. He's reviewed pretty much every bad movie. I admit that the animation was really shoddy. It wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that it goes on so long. It's not enough for a 15 minute cartoon.

Dang, everyone used that Matrix music at this time. I can tell this is something early from Afro-Ninja. We all get better later. I guess the jokes were fine. It just doesn't hold up well.

I believe this is your first submission. You're one of the most prolific animators here. I admit this isn't great. It did have good animation. What a weird title. We all have to start somewhere.

The colors are great. I always love to see how people started out. I love ice cream. This was probably too short. It's something at least.

Hmmm, the screen was a bit too small. I think this was your first submission. It was still awesome! Dang, you can put that music to anything and make it cool! The colors were great too. It does seem like it could have used sound effects.

Like I said, it's still awesome! I don't see much of this mythology anymore. We're more into modern stuff. Well, we do have Thor. It's a very dignified cartoon.

It certainly looks good. Judging from what I remember, it was good too. Have I reviewed the "Wanted" cartoons already? Must have. The animation was great. It was well, too short.

It's hard to recommend trailers for something so brief. Still, it can work. I still like stick figures. The artwork really does hold up. Well, I doubt we've advanced much with sticks.

Hey man, don't kill kittens okay! That's disgusting. Well, there did seem to be hidden symbolism. I liked most of it. It was probably too short. It was still pretty watchable.

Your video are so unique. Strange, the audio source seems to rip on dogs. They're not bad. The blue was pretty good. I guess it was saying something, but I don't know what.

Why is the rating low? I loved this! I thought it was great satire with the towers. The sprite work was very impressive. It's great looking back at this knowing Osama bin Laden was found. That was a long time ago.

Yes, make more! We thought Michael Jackson was the worst celebrity predator. Boy, were we wrong! The pacing was nice too. You never know who's going to play who.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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