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I didn't care much for this. It was too boring. I guess the concept was at least interesting. I just wish there was more going on. I haven't gone onto the BBS in a long time. I've made enough posts there anyway.

This had a lot of capitals. I guess that makes sense. This was so long ago I forgot what it was like. It seems like we're always going through major changes. It's an interesting idea at least.

That was great! It was weird you would wait so long to submit this. Fantastic racism is nothing new. This was still done very nicely. The animation is superb. We need more stuff like this.

I'm not going to mention furries. Actually, I just did. Too bad. Right from the first frame, it looks gorgeous. I'm glad it won Daily Feature.

Dang, that was a long time ago. Things were so different back then. Things were massively different a few months ago! Anyway, it was kind of too short. You could have done more. It was still okay.

I like looking back at websites older than YouTube. It seems like caveman times back then. Well, the animation isn't that good here. Why just one eye? That made it creepier.

This was great! I'm so glad to have come by this series! Please give it a section! I guess the old "Tomorrow's Nobodies" will never be back. This is great as a substitute. I especially love how it builds up. You have no idea what's going to happen next.

That robot bit was hilarious! I especially love seeing them out of the therapist's office. It's quite unique for the series. You've made so many of these and they're all so good! I'm not a vegan either.

I liked this because it was a very pleasant little cartoon. It was nice to see something pro-Pokémon at this time. I remember old forums where I would go on Pokémon ones. I'm getting off topic, because this had a lot of flashy stuff in it. I mostly liked it because of how cheery it is. It's great to recognize the stuff you use.

I recognize that crowd. Nice Digimon tribute too. I don't know what "Toink" means. It was a little too long. It was mostly just the same lyrics over and over.

The animation was great, but I think it gave a bad message. I mean, you don't want to kill yourself. Well, you shouldn't at least. It was at least watchable. I hope you're not suicidal. I've gone through bad times and I still am.

I couldn't hear this. I thought it was my ear buds, but I don't think so. I just got some new ones. I guess the lower case makes it seems more serious. It'll get better.

I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. I mean, it has pretty good animation. I didn't like the way you had to advance the dialogue. Yeah, I know that was later used in "TTA" and "Super Mario Bros. Z", but it wasn't as good here. I guess the action needed to be better. Still, some of the animation holds up.

You still haven't made your best series. I appreciate the story. It can be something really good. It's certainly passable. It's even kind of realistic.

The animation was quite nice. It was interesting to have that joke at the end. I thought it would be something about a pedophile priest. Every priest is one nowadays. Well, they're at least depicted as one.

I even like the title. It wasn't great, though. It could have had more gags. As far as jams go, it was nice. They usually don't produce the best cartoons.

Congratulations on being the most popular Basement Jam submission! I can see why. Saving people in the Holocaust is always tear jerking. It was a little predictable. It's still worth it. The music was enchanting.

It deserved Daily Feature. Of course you weren't saying good things about the Nazis! Who would think that?! It's just that some weren't willing to kill everyone. It goes with the following orders argument.

BadTwinZ responds:

Thank you.

I was skeptic in making this in not only was it going to be demanding and a toll on my life, job, time and etc. But worried that social media and irl cases of people getting angry and twisting this into something that it is not. It seemed that anything that was related toward Nazi's, no matter what, if it was true or false would start shit storm online. Eventally, accusing those of supporting nazi's.

I remember seeing someone saying that people like Schindler should be forgotten, regardless that he saved thousands of jewish people lives. All because he was tied toward the nazi party. Like no matter what, they were going to kick off and start something if I dare talked about it.

Luckily, I've been to Germany. I have not only my friends in Germany having my back but also history as there have been lots of documented moments of german soliders in 1940's not committing the horrid acts. They just get ignored mostly.

Yeah, it's easy to see how this has the lowest rating for the Basement Jam. It was way too crudely drawn. I suppose it was at least unique. The voices were fine. It was just so cheaply done. The audio seemed off.

You need way more creativity. I guess it can be hard to make a cartoon in this time. Still, people have made much better. Haven't noticed a non game jam in awhile. So much goes on here it's hard to keep up.

flashmakeit responds:

Thank you for the comment. I guess I need to improve my drawing skills. It takes so long to draw everything correctly and make it look good. I just love the male voice. Thanks for noticing it. I should try adding another game so I can try and get better at that.

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