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I am glad that this won Daily Feature. It really is nice to have a serious flash series here. It's one that doesn't have that much action. Okay, it's really more of a horror thing and not straight drama. The music was great in this, especially at the end! I couldn't help but think of Ghostbusters.

It was fairly unpredictable. It's nice to see the start of a new part series. The voices were just great. You know how to put emotions in your voice. The colors were fine too.

For a pilot episode, I thought this was great! The animation was fantastic! I admit that it seemed a bit slow at times, but it was still really good. It's just so nice to see all these cartoonish gags. I really do like these characters. They don't come off as too stupid or anything.

It was funny how the cat didn't talk at first. I guess the gang wasn't featured that much. The voices were really good. I loved the boobs being hit. That was uh...really funny.

I personally didn't care for this. It didn't help that it was an infinite loop. That just always looks like something lazy. I guess the title is just the character's name. The animation wasn't bad. The jokes seemed a bit too obvious.

It needed to be longer as well. I am glad this was the first in a series. It doesn't work well as a stand alone cartoon. I'm pretty surprised this won Daily Feature. Yeah, it seems to be mostly forgotten now.

I thought this was pretty well put together. It's nice how it gets creepier as it goes on. Then again, Germaine is someone who likes blood. She probably deserves a stalker of some kind. The animation is actually fairly good. I mean, there's more movement than usual.

It's great to have Germaine not even notice this guy at first. He prepared for that letter a lot. I like Foamy's mannerisms. It's especially funny when he holds the knife. It's the little things that matter.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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