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This was better than I thought. It seemed really boring at first. I couldn't see why people would like it. It was great how it got so much better at the very end. I thought this would be about sheep. It looked like there was one in the thumbnail. The animation wasn't bad.

I like how the radio talks to him. It's just one joke, but it is quite funny. I wasn't even expecting the guy at the door to do that. It was fairly imaginable. It seems to hold up well.

I really love this, if only because of the animation. It's just done so perfectly. I like the idea of Bulma playing him like that. She really does look hot in this. She was pretty much stripped more than any fictional character in existence. I'm not kidding.

I love that audio at the end. I definitely agree with it. Yamcha is such a massive loser. I still love these two as a couple. Everything is so wonderfully colorful too.

RetroSleep responds:

Thanks! I really appreciate what you had to say.

I wouldn't quite recommend this. It certainly wasn't terrible. It just didn't seem like there was much of a joke. The first episode was a lot more clever. I still appreciate the good animation. There just needs to be more about cats and dogs in this.

I guess it was unexpected. It was still nothing too memorable. I like the sounds, though. I can tell there were some interesting ideas, they just weren't done too well. It was at least likeable.

This was yet another great episode. It's great that this has an ongoing story. It's just nice to see this great artwork too. The funniest part was probably at the very end. I guess the third side was the side. Hey, that's happened before!

I love the evil twin jokes. It's just so unexpected. The serious narration makes it all the better. I am really getting used to that title. It's just a nice cartoon.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot!

I really appreciated just how cute this was! I don't remember the games that well. I guess I should have known that from the title. The colors were really nice. It just seems like a cartoon about a cult wouldn't be that pleasant. I'm glad I was surprised.

It was nice just to see the little sweat drops on his head. He really wanted to do something for his girlfriend. The artwork holds up well after these years. The sounds were nice and cute too. That's a lot of songs for something relatively short.

Yes, I remember back when All Your Base was huge. The animation was really good in this. I just thought it really fit the story. I'm glad Prince Tricky finally died. It seemed like such an easy thing. My favorite part is probably at the beginning.

The CGI was quite good. I loved the "Perfect Kirby" reference. Dang, I wish the next one would be completed. I'm surprised there isn't a Star Fox collection. Maybe there is, but this just isn't there.

Yes, this was hilarious! The funniest bit was probably with the chainsaws. I was simply amazed at how good the animation was. The expressions were absolutely perfect in this! You've made me realize how important they are to a cartoon. It was nice how you included the running time as well.

Everything just flows so smoothly here. The voices were awesome too. It's just nothing but mayhem from beginning to end. I'm glad he didn't fall for the Devil's trick at the end. The music fits perfectly as well.

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