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Was this based on a true story? Wow, that makes it even better! This was an extremely artsy movie. It seemed like a supernatural story at first. It did have a perfectly plausible explanation. Well, it is based on a true story.

The animation was of course gorgeous. I always appreciate how realistic it can be. I loved seeing those quotes too. It's more authentic that way. I'm glad most people got out of that tsunami, if it was real.

Aww, I wanted to see him get shot at the end. That changing gun thing was easily the best part! Still, this was really nice. I love the title too. Dang, how do you get titles like that? I don't even know how to make flash, so how could I ever comprehend anyway?

This was pretty enjoyable, but it wasn't great. The best part was probably how you credited the voice actors. It was nice to see these clips again. I'm glad "vhs" is a tag now. The Ice guy is probably my favorite. It was mostly just an ad.

This doesn't mean it still can't be enjoyable. I liked the use of all lowercase letters in the title. It shows quaint it is. It's good for a showcase. I appreciate the animation of course.

Wow, this was fantastically animated! I couldn't believe what I was watching. I will admit the story could have been better. It makes sense to put this in the "Other" genre. It wasn't action or comedy. It was more straight up drama.

I'm at least a little familiar with "Grim Fandango". You don't have to be to love this. It's just so beautiful. It's pretty unpredictable too. I thought that guy would be hit by a car.

I appreciate how great this animation was. Yeah, I do wish there was more action. It was still pretty unpredictable. It was actually hard to tell. Their hands were more like claws. I thought the other guy had scissors at first.

I saw three fingers, which kind of looked like a scissors. It just didn't look like scissors. I do appreciate you celebrating Robot Day. I forgot it was like that. I hope we can still remember it.

If this is the opening, I can't imagine how the actual cartoon is like! You get what I mean. This was very appropriate for me. I live in Florida, and this has seriously been one of the hottest summers I've been through. I haven't even looked through the record books.

Everything is done in such good spirits. I've never seen such muscular Madness guys. This is the first time I've seen some of these characters outside their cartoons. It's great everyone's getting a chance. Yay, Girlfriend in a bikini!

I wasn't expecting that much, to be honest. I mean, I knew it was going to be short. I did especially enjoy uh, everything. I'm not THAT familiar with "One Piece". It can be hard to keep up with all those characters. This is still very enjoyable.

A simple animation can be wonderful. That's just what this needed to be. At least you have the names of the characters in the title. I'm not that familiar with doflamingo. Odd name.

Okay, that was a good joke. Every character had a different voice actor! Whoever voice fits it best. The animation wasn't shoddy! It fit the setting perfectly! You know, for a quick gag.

Eh, I've seen a lot shorter things get Daily Feature. You guys all made this unique design. It's hard to find a submission that doesn't credit two or more people nowadays. I'm glad everyone's getting recognition.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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