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So this wasn't a comedy after all! This seemed more like a trailer for a fan game! Dang, I miss those video game remakes. This was still amazing to watch. You got to see all different kinds of styles here. I'm glad it wasn't a cereal commercial at the end.

That last bit was still funny, though. I know nothing about Warframe. I'm glad to have come by this cool cartoon. This was just some great sprite work. I'm sure it will win an award.

Wow, I was impressed at how fast this went by. I didn't even know it was close to being over! I give this credit for being so well paced. I wasn't expecting the dragon to show up. Hey, now it's past Clock Day. We can still get great submissions.

The dragon was my favorite character. He was easily the most rational. Then again, the girl was great too. It was just a very funny cartoon. I was never into RPGs, though.

This was actually done on a flip note book?! Dude, this was awesome! I will admit the credits were a bit too long. Well, it's hard with something that hard to make. I appreciate the animation that gets along. The music was nice as well.

I use 4.20 as the minimum score for something I review. Hee hee, 420. That's just a rule. The red eyes are kind of disturbing. This was quite interesting to just watch.

Wow, this was pretty weird. I still loved it, though. The best part might have been the end. It was really interesting to see Wario like that. I did kind of feel bad for him. I appreciate this animation.

I thought it would be rather short. You got some great animation in. I haven't heard of Wario in awhile. Aww, he wasn't in the Mario movie! Don't worry, we'll probably get more movies with him.

Weird, how was this not on my Latest from Friends and Favorites? I'm definitely following you guys. Anyway, this was hilarious. The animation really showed off here. Honestly, it might be the best you've ever had! I had no idea he'd actually shallow the girl scouts.

How daring! Anyway, I couldn't remember this at all. It doesn't help that it was two submissions ago. That jump the shark joke was already done by "South Park". Then again, the "Titanic" joke's been overdone too.

I admit the ending was a little predictable. It was still quite entertaining. I love how offended he is by being called "gay". That might be my response. Everyone is still being called gay. The animation's good too.

I like the designs of their heads. The colors are nice too. This might have been too long. It was still interesting to watch. I'm glad that one guy noticed him eventually.

That was an enjoyable little cartoon. The animation was wonderful! I thought that was Hatsune Miku at first. I used to see her everywhere. I wasn't expecting a robot to appear like that. Well, it was anime. I loved the quaint title.

What an appropriate time of year to submit this. I'm glad I work at a restaurant. I never have to worry about paying for soda! Maybe you could do the other seasons as well? Fall might be kind of boring.

Okay, I thought this was pretty good, but not great. It needed to have more action. I say "more going on" too often. I'm trying to change that! I thought this would be a game. You can do a lot with rats in games.

It is kind of catchy. It just doesn't really have to do with anything. I love cheese too. The background was pretty good and I liked how it changed. It's overshadowed by Clock Day.

That was a cute little cartoon. I thought it was spelled "Onigori". I guess I was close enough. I liked to see the little rice ball run away. It wasn't really quite a commercial. I felt like a commercial would have dialogue.

Well, people make all sorts of commercials anyway. This animation was quite good. Those look good. I've never actually had one of those before. Weird how this has a higher rating than most Clock Day submissions this year.

Wow, I loved this! It was easy to tell it was just sentence mixing. I like how it was done with panels. It felt just like a comic book. There must be "Team Fortress 2" comic books out there. Every popular franchise has its own comic book! It was just a fun little thing.

The Sentry was easily the best part. It flows together well. The designs were well put together too. Well, you didn't make them yourself. I just meant the animation was great.

ICHDUHERNZ responds:

Thank you!! :D

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