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I could tell that this was animated by someone who had worked on Eddsworld. I was about to call it a ripoff. As you both walked before, it can't be that. This was still awesome. Anna was my favorite character. I felt bad that she didn't become mayor at the end!

Oh well, at least we got some great jokes and characters out of this! It didn't feel too long. There was a lot of story to tell. I love "Hotel California". It's great to see so many people on something that's not a collab.

It is fun to do dumb stuff sometimes. I especially appreciate the animation. You have kept making cartoons for literally decades! I love how Tricky goes insane. I know it must be hard to kickflip. You can't be good at everything, you know.

The colors make it work well too. The credits might have made up too much of a percentage. It was still pretty enjoyable. I'm glad how honest you are with how dumb it is. The animation is still good.

Luis responds:

Yeah the end creds ran longer than i would have wanted but it was important i got the last few verses of that song in, as they relate to failure!

Damn, I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher score. This is a really good cartoon for me! I rarely hear about "killer7" here. I know it's somewhat popular. I could still get the jokes. The animation was fantastic.

You get nice and graphic. "Dan Vs"? That's another series entirely! The Power Rangers parodies were really funny too. Well, I don't know if they were from the games.

mattyburrito responds:

hey thx for watchin!

I immediately noticed how big those boobs were. I have to admit that those are disgustingly big. I think it's her desk that was destroyed. Nice argument is now a meme? I still can't keep up with all of them. I just noticed the $69.

I really should have seen a boob joke coming. I didn't notice the robotics at first. I was of course too focused on the boobs. Those can't be natural. Well, technically nothing of her is.

ZedrinBot responds:

she spends her streamer money on various chassis

It was nice seeing those different characters at 0:24. It's certainly more design than usual. Yeah, I did in fact like this, but it wasn't as good as the other ones. Maybe I've just gotten tired of them? These are still very nicely animated. I like the title.

I thought it was a thumbs up at first, but then I realized it was a wad of money. Don't look greedy. I'd love to see what she looks like. Please make them longer! A compilation of all of these would be good.

This was extremely enjoyable. I love the bait and switch where it looks like they've been arrested. You do another bait and switch with the trillion dollars joke. I also loved when the cups exploded. The blue guy kind of looked like Oshawott. These designs were so unique.

There was nothing intelligible at 00:51. At least it wasn't asdf. These are such gorgeous colors. The art shifts were great too. The blue guy really did go through a transformation.

Aww, it formed a heart at the end. You know, they say plastic is the longest lasting substance created by man. This is actually appropriate. A live-action jam? We're not having that here! This was still mostly animation.

It wasn't even quite a comedy. It was more like a serious cartoon. Well, cartoon hybrid I guess. That's actually a pretty cloud. It's meant to be like that.

This was a great little cartoon! I knew right from the thumbnail we were getting something amazing. I'm glad to be more familiar with you. My favorite part was when she used his own weapon to beat him. The colors were quite vibrant in this. I thought she looked like a chicken.

I guess she was just a yellow animal thing. Even the ground was great. I always rediscover amazing things if I look hard enough on the front page. The backgrounds suited it well too. Solar Girl could be a series.

Wow, three years? I don't remember this one that well. I guess it wasn't one of my favorites. I counted 110 individual parts. I guess it was because there was more than one part with the same animator. I thought it would be more random.

I couldn't pick a favorite part. Many of these seemed like they were just from the original! It's always great to honor Edd Gould. Dang, he's been dead for a decade! These characters are always funny. I appreciate the effort.

Oh yeah, 4Kids went defunct. I forgot about that. Yay, we'll always have "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series" around. I just loved seeing this animation. This is as good as this rap can get. I heard "One Piece" got some of the worst butcherings.

I know enough about the premise. I appreciate how good this animation is. Maybe we'll have a "One Piece" section someday. "Naruto"'s still my favorite. Well, it's the only one that I have really consistently watched.

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