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That was short, but boy, was it sweet! I admit to never actually having encountered Tingle in the games, but I am familiar with him. He does look pretty ugly. I'm glad you could incorporate his style into your cartoon. I hope Zelda appears in these. I can only imagine how hot she'll be.

Everything just seems hotter here. The colors are so gorgeous. I guess I was disappointed it wasn't longer. It still got its gag across. I've always been a fan.

Wow, this seemed like a straight up action cartoon at first. It was still hilarious. Zelda's voice was so appropriate. I didn't quite understand what was going on. Everything still flowed together quite well. This might be your longest cartoon yet.

It's nice to see a woman do a nose bleed for once. This was just a very fun cartoon. Yay, it's already added to the Zelda action! I know how fast those additions can be. It was fairly unpredictable.

This was a decent little cartoon. I'm not familiar with "Deltarune". There's just so many popular video games out there. You'd think there would be more for like "Red Dead: Redemption". It was just okay at first. It got better at the end with more characters.

I especially loved the floating bananas. I thought that was Donkey Kong! I guess they are just common in video games. It works pretty well as a loop too. I never find everything on the Weekly Top 10, although that's because they include the day they submit it.

That still image at the ending was pretty disturbing. Seriously though, this was great. My favorite part was probably about Luigi wearing Mario's clothes. Mario's quite brutally honest. I appreciate this CGI. I hope we have more animation like this around.

I thought this was maybe audio from "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!". It didn't take me long to realize it wasn't. It was especially obvious when he said the f-word. The details were wonderful. Oh, I understand that still image at the end now.

I've never even seen "My Life As A Teenage Robot" before. This was especially refreshing. I enjoyed every minute of it! My favorite part might have been the puppet bits. I thought there would be no dialogue and I'd be disappointed. It's nice to know there was dialogue eventually.

I assume this is the first episode. We still haven't gotten to her actually going to High School. Yes, we know how teenagers can be. I was a good one. The Dr. Seuss part was great too. This definitely deserves its Daily Feature.

MLaaTRFanbase responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! The show is worth a watch!

You're right that this is based on the first episode, and the Dr. Seuss bit is a gag based on another episode of the show!

Thank you for the warm reception!

This was perfectly serviceable. I just didn't think it was worthy of this high a score. I mean, it's just the same joke. Well, it was less than a minute. I shouldn't be complaining about stuff like that! Congrats on your Review Crew Pick!

Dang it, I keep seeing Mario in that name. I mean, Mario's everywhere here! The sounds are rather funny. How does he kiss through a helmet? Well, I guess it's close enough.

Aww, I knew Krystal would appear eventually. I'm not a furry, except for Rouge of course. I recognize all these characters and it was nice to include Wuya! The alien bits did kind of turn me off, though. Well, the slugs were the worst. I wouldn't be that turned on by them.

Some of these girls were just unappealing. I wish they just looked like they normally did. Instead of Rosie O'Donnell, it should have been Whoopi Goldberg. She's the most hideous creature of all. Look up how insane she is.

Is that a pokemon? It's impossible for me to keep up with them all. I guess every weird animal I see on the Internet is a pokemon. This was indeed cute. I was bothered by the hole with the tail coming out. It was red all around!

Was that blood? Eh, who cares? It's a cute little cat. Well, a cute little cat-like thing. I like how happy the little guy is.

Oh, it was about declawing. It's sad I needed to look into that further to understand it. I didn't want my second cat declawed. He just scratched me bad once and my parents did it. I would never declaw a cat again. This is good animation.

There's an X cat for everything. I noticed it really was the same cat over and over at the end. That was indeed scary. I noticed the same mug, so it must have been the same cat. I pay attention to details like that.

You should do one on Kevin MacLeod. I mean, he rules over the Internet anyway. I loved seeing an entire parody from you. Not as good as the "Robot Chicken" one. This wasn't even a cartoon talking about your life. It was just a straight up parody.

I never thought of the story that way. I just noticed your initials are BS. I shouldn't believe everything you tell me! I think we've all imagined stories like this. Mine was snakes and Snickers. Snakes deserve to die.

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