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That was pretty short, but still very good. The best part is how good the graphics are. This reminds me of that cartoon where Snake fights a crab. You know, with how it's a crab in a box. It was pretty weird, but also funny. I like how they ate the crab.

It was enjoyable to see the crab die like that. I know little about this game. There's so many games out there, it's hard to keep up with them all! I learned a lot about video games from this website. This was an enjoyable little cartoon.

Well, I thought this was just okay. I just hold Daily Feature winners up to a higher standard. I still appreciate the animation. It isn't summer yet. I guess summer can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Chris Maher?

Are you related to Bill Maher? I hope not. This was still at least watchable. It looked more like a preview. Anything has the potential to be good.

Mahamarr responds:

This is my new favorite review. Thank you.

That was...quite odd. It didn't really have that much to do with "South Park". Butters wouldn't pee like that! Wait, how do you even pee underwater? I don't know how fish do it. The animation was quite nice.

Oh hey, that was Scooter at the end. Wait, there's so many recurring extras in SpongeBob, it's hard to tell. I'm glad it wasn't too long. It's nice to see people animate "South Park". It's impressive you much you can do with these designs.

This wasn't some of your best, but still good. This animation will never get old. The best part is how it looked like he was going to give the middle finger, but he didn't. That was the intended joke, right? I like the little things at the end. Wow, two pictures in one title?

Is that a record? It basically tells the whole story! Well, this is still pretty nice. I don't know the wizard's name. Does he even have one?

That was almost perfect! My only complaint was the very ending, where I think it was about diarrhea. That wasn't that funny. I thought this would only be like half a minute. Instead, you knew how to extend the joke. "Stinky" is such a funny word.

It makes sense people would smell him. We haven't had a "Metal Gear" parody in awhile. I thought this was better than the "Metal Gear Awesome" shorts! Don't tell Egoraptor. This was very funny.

Wow, it's been awhile since I've seen that dinosaur. The preview image already shows us what happens. Well, it's more graphic. This was still a lot of fun. I liked how expressive the noodles were. At least he survived.

I haven't seen Kraft commercials at all in a long time, even on YouTube! You'd think there'd be more there. Your CGI is quite nice. I'm not that familiar with your style. The details were nice.

I love how you talk about the lack of conversation with your neighbor. That happens all the time to me. Oh, most people are probably like that. Awkward situations that stand out are quite unique for you. Yeah, I'm in Florida and I have Winn-Dixie. Love that Internet cartoon joke.

That tampon thing was referenced in "South Park". Wow, that actually happened?! I've made up the name "Jimothy" before! Aww, so he was looking at porn. Hey, at 7:41, you did sort of explain what pegging was!

She kind of looks like Tifa here. Well, loosely. I think you need to have a lot more than just her laying around. I'm sorry, but there needs to be more activity. The rendering isn't that good. There's little depth to her. The background's pretty good though.

BrandyBuizel covered this a lot better. The music is okay, I suppose. I just don't think it's worth watching. Her feet just look way too blocky. Well, the title does say it's low polygon.

I was expecting more than just running. I think this would have worked better off just a gif on the Art Portal. Well, I seem to be completely alone in not liking it. Hey, individuality is important, right?

Dang, you're just pumping out cartoon after cartoon here! Most of them are great. The best part is probably how great the animation is. I mean, it really does shine here. Jimmy looks so funny here. Well, he always looks goofy.

I wish that "Lucky There's A Slender" cartoon was still here. I loved how it was longer than most of your cartoons. We need stuff like that. Some shorter cartoons can create the illusion of fewer stuff here. It was just fun.

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