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Wow, what a beautiful cartoon! I will admit it was hard to follow. I didn't even care that much. It was still a feast for the eyes! The colors were just beautiful. I loved how there was no dialogue.

You let the actions tell the story. It seems way too early to do a Halloween cartoon. Oh, the spirit of Halloween last the whole year! Still not as much as Christmas though. We don't have much Saint Patrick's Day stuff here.

ZanMiller responds:

Thank you! I don't have any plans for dialogue and want to keep it that way. I'm glad you enjoyed it and watched all of it regardless. I definitely have some improvements to make going forward. Appreciate the feedback :)

This was a pretty cute cartoon. I've been seeing those lately. The animation is wonderful. Maybe it could have more action. It's still a very nice little cartoon. It does feel like a dream.

Postelvis is an odd name. Well, I guess it does kind of make sense. Looking at stars is great too. I just didn't think it was one of the best. I enjoyed all of it.

I thought this one was awesome! I was afraid it would end with just that opening gag. You really did keep the jokes going in this one. There was always a new way for this character to appear. She's probably my favorite. I just love how enthusiastic she is.

The sound effects are as fun and goofy as ever. Maybe the credits take up too much. I should be used to that by now. This is one of your funniest cartoons ever! It deserves this high rating.

I have to admit that this is just good. It is pretty much just a commercial. The use of live-action stuff was quite nice. It was the best part. You can always promote yourself like this. I like how she has two different colored eyes.

I've never noticed that before! I'm surprised a character that didn't seem that popular has merchandise. I don't know how business works like that. I liked how you were outside. That's where we should play!

Seeing as how the Spase Dad cup is broken, I can assume his father destroyed it. Wait, if they died out 800 years ago, does that mean Killgar is hundreds of years old? Well, Killgarians are invulnerable err unvulnerable. I guess we'll never find out how they died out. I wasn't expecting something this long. I thought it would be really short.

It's about as long as a typical episode! Well, there haven't been that many of these. The ending was rather bittersweet. I appreciate you delving into more of the mythos. It's always fun to learn about your characters.

I guess she's not much of a talker. It was nice to see something a lot longer than this. I like this animation style. It was cool to see that MC Escher building too. This was certainly odd. I just want to see more with this character.

These things work better in the Knight series. You need to have more jokes. This was more experimental than a comedy. The last joke was pretty good. I just wanted some more exploration.

This was indeed impressive! I need to catch up on "One Piece" to understand everything. I can recognize Luffy, Nami and Chopper. That's pretty much it. There's so many characters! These were all quite unique.

We should get a "One Piece" collection. That might not be enough. I admit the ending went on a bit too long. That's one long stinger, but I'm glad the cartoon wasn't too long. 13 isn't an unlucky number here!

That was indeed a great cartoon! My only complaint was that it was kind of weirdly animated. The best part was when he grabbed her when she was trying to attack him. I also loved when he talked to the audience. You even showed him from another angle. Wait, was that breaking the third wall?

I mean, he wasn't talking directly to us. It was just a nicely done cartoon. I thought it might end after just a few seconds. I'm glad it doesn't know when to stop. That name always sounds like Garfield.

AgeofGar responds:

Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you liked it.

Dang. that ending was perfect! I wasn't expecting that much at first. It's not that uncommon to take someone's gun like that in a movie. Instead, he requested it! I wonder if this could have worked with the would be victim doing this? He could have just surrendered his wife and kid too.

The wife's comment was probably the best part. I loved seeing this animation too. The voices were really well put together. I didn't even notice the blue color scheme. Criminals deserve this.

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