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Well, it looks like most people like it, but it never got that popular. I appreciate you putting two episodes. They seem like they're probably STILL too short. I just wish things went faster. Well, I guess they technically did. The villain kind of reminds me of Frieza.

The animation and voices are pretty good. It was nice to hear that Scooby Doo interest. It was a bit too predictable, though. Congrats on your Daily 2nd Place. You probably deserved it.

I admit that this was a little too short. I guess I'm just to more epic stick fights. I still certainly enjoyed this. It was great to have this music too. I was reminded of the Castle series. I know you're not the same guy who made those.

You're still obviously talented. It's still around New Year's Eve as I'm reviewing this. Be proud of your front page status. I just felt it was a bit too redundant. It was still quite fun though.

This was quite fun to watch. I guess it's mostly because of how great the music is. It was great to hear those sounds while it was being done. This seems like mostly a music video. It reminded me of "Madness Combat" with the violence and Raymanian Limbs. I was pretty shocked when I heard spoken dialogue here.

I guess eggs are just rather funny. The best part was easily with the "Hero" song. I just love that song so much. You can put that to anything and make it good. I find this to be truly underrated.

This wasn't bad. I would not recommend it, because I want something of higher quality. I am glad you acknowledge that it wasn't intended to be anything that good. They really are badly drawn. I do like that "Power Rangers" theme song even though I'm not a fan. I'm not familiar with BattleBots.

It's fine for a single watch. It was cool how the lines squiggled. That must have been intentional. Th voices were alright. There could have been more shading, though.

This is just as funny as it was years ago! I just love seeing these two guys play off each other. I admit, the George W. Bush joke is a bit dated. It's still really funny. It's great how these guys talk about the liberty of the Space Pirates. I only afterwards first watching this watched "Futurama".

The slow motion joke was great too. The cameos were tons of fun too. These are great voices. Every joke just keeps getting better and better. There's so many different styles and jokes in this!

This was pretty good. It still wasn't quite something I would recommend. I think these are still a bit too short. I do appreciate all the fine details in this. The animation is top notch. Well, it's top something.

You shouldn't have made it an infinite loop. I know from experience that's a bad idea. Then again, you can understand it more that way. I thought the good probably outweighed the bad. Not much of a compliment, but something.

I admit that I couldn't really see the difference. Then again, it's in the audio. I truly appreciate you making these wonderful flashy cartoons. I almost feel nothing for the title character. He seems pretty generic. The villains are freaking awesome!

Everything is just so wonderfully flashy in this. I want to see as many colors as I can. Everything is just so insane. As a short film, it's great to have all this zaniness. I'm glad to have come by this series.

I enjoyed this. It wasn't one of the best Mario flashes out there, but it was still good. I like the idea of them doing this mundane thing. It didn't need action like a lot of other Mario cartoons. I just realized that these flashes basically are fanfictions. It was great to see the sprite work.

I do miss Mario stuff like this. It was great that you kept the classic music. You can't go wrong with that stuff! I didn't know Peach would like a flute better. I'd think she'd want the thing that would make her fly.

This was quite fun because it made me realize what my own resolutions should be! I should stop forgetting to turn the heat off. I should start...remembering to turn the heat on. It was just nice to have something that celebrated New Year's. The animation is quite good. I loved how unpredictable this was.

It didn't have as many bodily fluids as normal. I knew there'd be a turd or two in there. You have a pretty funny voice. I do wish you'd do more stuff with the Darth Vader cat. After all, there's a new Star Wars movie out.

koit responds:

There HAS to be a turd in there for it to be one of mine :)

Funny you should say that, CV4 has already been storyboarded.

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