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I thought that in terms of short animations, this was pretty good. It was a bit too short, though. It still managed to get its main joke across. I seriously wasn't expecting the fish to survive and I was right! The animation was really nice in this. It moved, dare I say, fluidly?

It's fine for a quick joke. I appreciate people who can do stuff so quickly. It shows dedication. It was cool to see that orange blur. That's my favorite color!

LinkTCOne responds:

I didn't want to try to make an animation that was too long a I only had one day to do it. I think it's long enough to get the point across, which is all you need really.

It's been too long since I've seen this series. I am glad to have it back. I'm just glad you're still here. I admit to being confused by it. Then again, that's typical of the stuff you make. The animation was great. I really like that "Jelly Penguin" thing.

That poor cat. You certainly didn't know what to expect with this. I like the series title. The colors are nice and bright. I hope this and your other series stay here.

It's great to see how much you do with this. The funniest thing is how they all look the same. I really love that joke with the baby pictures. I guess these guys are man made. You never know where you're going with this. It's great to know you were so prolific here.

The hide and seek bit was good too. I can recognize the voices from the gag dubs. Yeah, they all do sound the same. That's obviously part of the joke. This works very well for the series.

This is seriously one of the best MLP tributes I've ever seen! It's not just on this website, I mean the entire Internet! The animation was absolutely fantastic. You have captured the essence of these characters perfectly. The emotions are shown flawlessly. This makes me proud to be a brony.

It's one of the best serious MLP things I've ever looked at. I don't think I've ever heard of you before. I'm so glad to know who you are. You feel so bad for Princess Luna. Then again, lots of people already did. It sums up the mythos perfectly.

It's nice to see the original. I don't know why they were submitted out of order. At least I am able to understand it more. I guess this is all just in his head. That makes the most sense. The animation is quite good.

This was a bit too short, though. It still got the main joke across well. Most of us envision ourselves like this. Well, uh, not me. It's fine for an introductory cartoon.

I admit that this was wonderfully animated. It sounded like it was something Smosh made. They're just known for their goofy parodies. This was still hilarious. I had no idea he would react like that. I thought the whole thing would be more violent.

It still works wonderfully. You know how to show such different emotions. I liked Pedobear's cameo, too. I really hope you submit more great stuff here. It seemed short enough to get its message across.

I found this to be quite entertaining. I admit to being confused as to what it was really about. It didn't add up to that much except for one joke. I don't care, that was funny! It's nice to have this good animation. It kind of reminds me of "Madness Combat".

Maybe next time, you could have him fight another ninja. That's kinda more what I was expecting. It's still pretty fun. The music was quite nice. I just don't think it's great like most people.

I loved this cartoon, if only because it was so faithful to the original movie. The movie is, BTW, crap. I like how I can remember all the parts from it. It shows you really studied the movie. I also love the movie intro. More long flashes should do something like that.

The music at the end was great too. The animation was really nice. It seemed like most of these characters had unique designs. It's great how you have these voice actors. At least there was a first volume.

Erik Meyers? Dude, I knew someone named that from Pennsylvania! Then again, his name was spelled "Eric" Meyers. The animation was great in this. Most of the jokes worked really well. The best part was easily the joke about the ghost.

That was just set up brilliantly. It's a pity um, that thing happened to your last submission. There were a lot of great expressions in this. Self help groups are easy to make fun of. Eh, I don't think I've ever been a part of one.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Erik Myers hails from the east coast, so it could've almost been him if he had the same name!
Glad you liked it! The ghost joke is a favorite of ours that we've been looking to put into something for years and it finally found a home in this cartoon.

Yeah, that last submission was a bummer. Lesson learned: when someone hires you to do an animation and says they own all the previous art--ASK TO SEE A CONTRACT.


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