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Maybe the only reason I love this is because I was just watching "Zootopia". Dang, I love that movie. This gives a great lesson on not judging by appearance. I could kind of predict where it was going. I mean, it's right there in the title. Was she too old to be a lamb?

This was very well animated, too. I appreciate all that's being said without dialogue. It's nice to know the wolf was already a cop. I guess this world didn't have to deal with prejudice. It's extremely enjoyable.

I knew this would be under "Comedy", but not "Parody". Honestly, this was played kind of straight. I mean, it was almost like a straightforward action cartoon. The best part was the animation. That llama looked beautiful! The horses were great too!

I did care about these characters. I guess a llama and a wizard would be enough food for one day. I'm glad this wasn't sexual at all. It just showed off a good fantasy story. Your animations will never end!

Wow, I was quite impressed by this! Maybe if I was a fan of "Clone High", I'd like it even more. It was great to be introduced to all of this. My favorite character is probably Joan of Arc. I know a lot about history. You'd think this would have a lot of historical in-jokes.

Well, you have to look closely. It makes you realize we need to look more at the women of history. I know that's a strange observation. It oddly reminds me of "Time Squad". Everyone of course worked extremely hard on this. I'm glad to know more about such a popular show.

Wow, I think this might be the best 4 second clip I've ever seen on this website! I guess that's not saying much. I have no idea what PVZ BFN stands for, much less what it means. This certainly looks amazing. I appreciate how fast this is. I have no idea what's going on.

People chasing an acorn? I have no idea what any of this means. The colors are just amazing. Everything is just wonderfully paced. The full product should be great.

Aww yes, I believe I've heard of "Yume Nikki" before. I had to make sure it wasn't something you made yourself. There's an anime for everything nowadays. It started off rather mundane. I didn't know it would escalate like that. I do wish it was longer.

The music was fairly nice. The animation was probably the best part. Maybe someday this anime will have its own section. Everything has its own section nowadays. I'd have to be more familiar with this to understand the symbolism.

Oh, so it all goes in the same part. I knew all those things couldn't have been put together as just one part of the Table of Contents. This was pretty informative. I do wish there was music, though. How did this not win any awards?! It's one of the highest rated submissions on this website!

I guess 100 is a minimum amount of votes to be featured on the Top List. I'll probably never become a flash animator myself. It's just easier to review stuff. I truly appreciate you working so hard on helping other people. I don't know how to download these programs.

Aww, what a nice cartoon to end the day! It was great to have a "Homestuck" cartoon here. I mean, we don't see many fan cartoons based on webcomics. There was so much emotion in the voices. It's been awhile since I've read "Homestuck". It's a pity it was something I can't keep track of.

I only remember Jack Noir. Well, Dave probably. It was interesting to these wacky characters together. I keep saying, "wwwhat" in my head instead of "wwhat". I have the opposite problem!

Were the high number of great cartoons today because of Saint Patrick's Day? We certainly deserved it! This was definitely an odd cartoon. I had no real idea what was going on. I'm glad it had an experimental tag. It definitely had no plot.

It was just a way to show off some great animation! The stylistic colors were wonderful. You knew how to draw circles so well. At 1:07, it kind of looked like a stick of dynamite. I hope she didn't explode.

Wow, this is another incredible cartoon! I'm really hitting the highs today! This is just a trailer?! I wish the whole game was here! At least it will exist in some form. I knew it was too mundane at first.

This was a trailer that really knew how to escalate. It did seem exactly like a flash cartoon. I forgot that # is literally said with the word "hashtag". Wait, how would you say out loud what I just wrote? This was just a beautiful thing that does invoke the notion of some high quality animation company like Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon. Happy Saint Patrick's Day too!

This was incredible! When I first came across this, I thought it was going to be a goofy cartoon. It certainly started as one. I became extremely invested in these characters! They were amazing! It reminded me of "Sublo & Tangy Mustard". Actually, it was much better than that!

Those were some weird things that were at the very end. Never mind, they were awesome. I really felt for Deborah. These characters really did just want to fit in. I loved seeing them falling out of the building thrice. I took Spanish, but remember little.

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