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This was pretty great for something so short. Well, it's a loop. I can't really say it belongs in the Art Portal, because it doesn't. There really is some great music here. My favorite detail might have been that portal in the background. I liked that guy at the table too.

The purple works well here. It makes the hero stand out. It almost seems like it takes place underwater. The sky looks like the top of the ocean. Those are nice flowers too.

Wow, that was pretty cool! The artwork was very creative. It was great to see these different styles. I guess she would be arrested for stuff like that. These are nicely detailed explosions. I'm not that familiar with the game.

A lot of stuff here is like that. I've gotten used to it. I'm glad that tentacle thing didn't get too dirty. Thank you for including subtitles. I haven't heard of Dreamcast in awhile.

Wow, that was truly bizarre. I didn't see what it had to do with Wario in the beginning. I still don't quite know. The walking part was kind of disturbing. At least the colors were good. While not that good, still probably worth a look.

I had certainly had no idea what would happen next. I liked how it was a bit more like Wario at the very end. I still recognized your style. It was kind of unique for you. Still not some of your best work.

That was sweet! I had no idea the graphics would look so gorgeous! I mean, everything just pops right out at you! It originally seemed like just a straightforward "Pokemon" tribute. It ended up being so much more. The music was great too.

I would love for this to be a real game. Hey, maybe it can be here! You guys can do stuff like that, can't you? Your stuff will never get old. There's always new games to remake!

For a moment there, I thought it said something besides "Clocks", if you know what I mean. This was too short. You can do much better. Just put numerous jokes into it. You're a fairly talented artist. I was expecting something better.

I apologize for putting the score down. I just didn't think it was that good. The graphics are still quite nice. You can do a lot with this character. It wasn't that well utilized here.

Wow, that was awesome! It was beautiful for something so short. I thought she said "Shinji" at first. I guess it was "Genshin". There's a "shin" in both of them. The animation was amazingly gorgeous.

I'm glad to have come by something so beautiful looking. I just wish it was longer! It's hard to keep up with all the anime nowadays. Well, he is in a robot like "Neon Genesis Evangelion". Again, robots are common too!

Well, that was odd. It wasn't even a full cartoon. It was more like an ad. Well, I'm glad you included the tutorial. I imagine it must be hard to animate something like that even. I would have no idea how long that would take.

This wasn't quite worth seeing. The voice is quite good. I wonder if we'll ever have a "Rick And Morty" section? Sections are so common we might as well. Congratulations on showing this process.

Happy Leap Day! I thought this was a pretty good little cartoon. The first part wasn't that great. It really did build up to a great ending. I rarely hear people talk about their sketchbooks. The designs were nice too.

It looked like the characters were out of "Animal Crossing". The backgrounds were pretty good too. A lot of us had sketchbooks. My stuff never amounted to much. Just look at my single art submission.

I have to admit this was a lesser episode. It seemed a bit pointless. I still have to recommend it, because there's almost no dialogue. It comes off as very experimental that way! I love the animation of course. You have to appreciate the creativity.

I liked how different it was from the other episodes. This series has gone on so long, I could never follow it up. I know it's very creative. That's a cool machine. It's still put together well.

I liked this. I just didn't think it was amazing. Too late to mention Kobe? Eh, that was years ago. A battle between handicapped people? Cripple fight!

Yeah, I remember what melatonin is! I was afraid his head would smash on the pavement. Maybe it did. I felt like this could have been shorter. It's still pretty good even though I'm not a fan of this animation style.

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