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Dang, Gogo has really taken off, hasn't she? We got like a bunch of tribute videos in just a couple of days! Anyway, this was very impressive. I don't know how she was able to survive getting a hole through her chest like that. It was cool to see Goku as a kid. You know, the original "Dragonball", not "Dragonball GT".

It fits the character well. I guess Goku Day is a true holiday here. This is like when Goku killed Piccolo Daimou. Or is that just King Piccolo? This was just an impressive cartoon.

A variant released right after the original? Impressive! I must say, I thought this was made by the same creator. This was quite short, but still good. It's mostly because of the graphics. I was amazed at how authentic it was.

It still was relatively short. It does make sense for these characters. It looks like you're advertising a doll in the author's comments. Hey, that's their merchandise! This was perfectly servicable.

Why is everything "Smiling Friends" lately? Even Doug Walker appeared in one episode! Anyway, this was nicely done. Beavis and Butt-Head wouldn't be that smart. Wait, they're going up against the President? They would look smart by comparison.

Well, the Vice President at least. They're mostly just useless. I guess that's better than being dumb. The best politicians might be the ones who don't do anything. Most politicians are butt-heads anyway.

Wow, this was truly amazing! There were just so much going on. I loved seeing these random pop culture icons appear. I recall someone with an "Inspector Gadget" head and a Steven Universe look alike. Everything was just jumping around. I couldn't keep up with it!

It might have been too cluttered. It still works out great for itself. I thought it was going to show that avatar the whole time. Instead, we got a lot of great variety. I'm pretty sure the Bible says to not steal.

mattyburrito responds:

Thank you! The Burrito cartoons give me a lot more freedom to stick whatever I want in the bg's haha

I knew there would be something really funny at the very LAST SECOND. I was right! It was pretty cool to see these characters again. I guess they're fast healers. It's nice to see something so rapid fire. I like how happy the kid is.

That tooth deserved it! Luckily, I've never had cavities. I don't think this treatment would work on me. Hey, Happy Father's Day! We get the best Father's Day submission I could think of!

Oh yes, I remember the first one! Damn, this was good! I like how you've done your research with Jason. He would indeed not harm children. It was fun to see his kid too. I knew that chainsaw wasn't real.

This was just gorgeously animated. Everything was just moving everywhere. I'm going to assume that's real Japanese. I see the making of a fantastic series. I'm glad it didn't go too far with the poop jokes. It's just another perfect cartoon.

Woah, this was frigging awesome! It was absolutely breathtaking to see all these wonderful gifs together. Boy, was it nostalgic! I'm not into piracy. Well, I have gone on some websites of dubious legality... Oh, let's ignore that.

There was just so much going on. Everything was just flying around and bouncing. The animation was absolutely incredible! Even this title reminds me of how we used to spell stuff. Wait, we do kind of still do that. This was just colorful and gorgeous.

Well, this was pretty good. The characters looked like Legos. I couldn't quite understand the story. It was still fairly entertaining. The best scene was probably seeing all those cakes. Those were cakes, right?

It was weird how they were just covered in darkness. This really is detailed the more I think about it. That was indeed a quick chat. I liked that cone headed demon.

Hmm, that was just okay. I mean, it was just one thing happening. It was mostly a gif with sound. I prefer those things be in collections. The title looked like "Mothman". I probably would have preferred that submission.

I do like the animation. It just doesn't really go anywhere. It's more like a preloader for a cartoon. Wait, we don't even have those anymore! Stupid death of Flash!

binejyeah responds:

to be fair it's supposed to be one of those things you see in anime when it cuts to the ad break
i definitely should've done an "aftermath" eyecatcher too so there'd be more substance to the thing as opposed to just that

Wait, this is the last Pebbles cartoon ever?! No wait, it's just the last for this arc. Whew! You had me worried there for a second! Anyway, I loved how it was a lot longer than normal. My favorite character was the blue ghost.

If she was in this movie, I would have given it a perfect score! It's still awesome. I don't quite care that much for the green knight. Whatever, this is still awesome.

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