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At first I thought this was something from OneyPlays. I mean, the voices aren't the same, but it seems like something he would say. It was interesting to see this animation. Wow, you actually have made a lot of cartoons over the years. I appreciate how prolific you are. The animation is quite nice.

I rarely see a courtroom scene. It was fun to see something pretty unique. It still wasn't great, but definitely good. Your artwork is kind of like JabaToons. It's still nice in its own right, which is something I probably say too often.

Aww, so you're Russian. I was very impressed by how beautiful this looks. These rough lines were amazing. I did feel bad for this little frog. It took awhile for him to appear. My favorite part was at the end when he was free.

Rain is fun to see, but only if you're indoors. You put real emotion in this frog. The whole thing looks like a watercolor painting come to life. I was just reading about "Amphibia". That probably got me in the mood.

Hey, this was a great cartoon! It really was quite heartwarming. My only complaint was that the credits were a bit too long. That wasn't even that bad, because we see an aftermath. I was fascinated by seeing the cube. A small "3" means cubed.

Aww, everyone should know that already. I just loved this amazing world you created for these bunnies. I don't even care why bunnies would be on a cube! It's pretty brave to submit something non Clock related almost exactly on Clock Day! There is such a tender relationship between these two.

Okay, that was just them saying who they were. I couldn't understand the appeal of this at all. The animation wasn't particularly good. Robotnik seems like an old meme. Oh, that goofy appeal can live on forever. I like how you credited his voice.

You needed a background. The credits took up too much of the cartoon. I can see why the rating isn't high. You need to have a lot more action. Still, Happy Clock Day 2024!

DoctorGordonLMK responds:

Don't talk SH*T about Dr Robotnik

Happy Clock Day 2024! This is easily the best Clock submission I've seen in a long time! Clock towers are obviously real things. What better way to celebrate it? My favorite was at the end when it showed the live-action bits. A little bit of live-action can be good here.

I was thinking it might be AI. Nah, it's too good for that! JellyClock was probably the best. Seeing the clocks in CGI was just freaking amazing! We rarely see stuff that high quality there. RobClock's was pretty awesome too.

Oh, I feel so bad about this. It was just a single animation as a preview. I do admire how good the animation is. I mean, if you're going to make it so short, might as well have it look great! I need more than just a signal. You used a very good shade of purple.

I didn't even notice the blue at first. This seemed to be more like a preloader. I guess those can be good. This was indeed very unknown in itself. I still like the animation.

DynamoToon responds:

Word yea i see what youre sayin’

Happy Clock Day or whatever! It was really impressive seeing as how great this animation was. You've made a fair number of different kinds of submissions. I almost forgot this one. My favorite thing about this was probably the animation.

I don't remember this being so action packed! Well, with a name like that, how could it not be? I appreciate how fast paced everything is. I'm so glad it didn't go on too long. The CGI clock tower was done very well.

That was pretty well animated. Oh, there's humans in my egg! I thought it would be a weapon used. Instead, it was just a giant robot's breakfast. Wait, how can robots eat? This was pretty enjoyable.

I will admit it could have been longer. It still works great as a single joke. I thought there'd be actual chickens in this. That would have made it funnier. Well, this is still really good.

I thought it was going to end after two minutes. I mean, you already talked about three different situations! I did in fact hit a rail once, but my brother was driving. Was there ever an air bag in any of these incidents? I guess not. I almost drowned once.

It was on the beach. My dad rescued me. Should I be telling you this? I mean, I'm not making money off of these stories like you are. I loved the Death's Asshole joke.

Dude, this might be the best series ever! I was amazed at how hilarious it was! The best part was probably him wondering if it was gay. I'm so glad it was answered at the end. I loved those iguanas too. I guess the clothes develop in the egg.

DudeGuy sounded like Seth Rogan. I wasn't even convinced it wasn't him. He's a voice in everything nowadays! This had great animation too. The body movements were just incredible. The post credit scene was like a seventh of the whole cartoon!

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