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I am quite impressed at how this holds up pretty well. I really like the animation. This really has an unfortunate name. Now, all anybody can think about with is "Fifty Shades Of Grey". Could you use those people? The voices were really nice.

I especially liked Kort. He was genuinely amusing. The length was nice too. It really knew how to keep the story going. I feel bad for not watching the other episodes.

Wow, that was really weird. I guess you have made some pretty strange flashes. I admit to being confused as to what the tone was supposed to be. I guess it was meant to be sincerely heartwarming. I like how everything is done in squiggle vision. That may not have been intentional.

It's just fun to see how a monster would react to being created. Well, it wasn't created at the time. It was just him trying to have a relationship with his creator. It is pretty creative.

I thought this was one of your best cartoons! I think I'm just glad that it had a lot less of a story than your other ones. A lot of the times that just came off as dumb. I still like this. There wasn't much gameplay in "The Silence Of The Lambs". The animation seemed to really work well.

It got a bit too silly at times, but still great. The lack of dialogue worked quite well. You really created an interesting atmosphere. This seemed more cartoonish than your other things. It was still very nice.

This was quite fun. I do think it was a bit too long, though. It could have had more jokes. The animation is really good. I recognize a lot of these voices. I guess this is pretty old.

Steve was probably the funniest character. I am glad she kicked him, though. It's just a fun cartoon with a fairly amount of good stuff going on. It was a little slow, but still nice. I can tell you had a lot of fun with this.

I don't see why more people don't like this. Then again, I didn't give it a higher score than most people. It's just great to see all the stuff you've worked on. That was the past years? Awesome! I've been trying to keep up with all the stuff you submit here.

I guess it could have been longer. The music wasn't that good. It's just that you're so talented, I can't help but enjoy this. You have a great understanding of flash.

I thought this wasn't bad. I think the series is getting better. It helps that you're more creative. You're using more flash techniques. When you said "10 flashes", I thought you were talking about cartoons here. The voices are quite nice.

I like the different styles. It is a nice tribute to old movies. I just thought it was nice how the menu was like a DVD. Dang, I remember when those things were rare. It is a bit slow moving, though.

Gerkinman responds:

Its a shame that the move to video based content made those old style DVD menus you could make in flash obsolete. They were fun.

I can certainly see why this won Daily Feature. It's a shame it isn't more popular! I love it more because of how you made it. It seriously does look 3D! I don't know if this was intended to be anything too deep. Maybe it was about changing who you are for the better.

Maybe it was just something goofy. Either way, it's amazing. I just love this world you've created. You make such good use of it. I'm so glad there's creative stuff like this out here.

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