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I immediately recognized your art style! I am surprised that this isn't more popular. It really is a great cartoon! I guess some people were just turned off by how long it was. The animation was amazing in this. I was amazed at how big the story could get. It just seemed so simple at first.

It was more fascinating than scary. That's what most people are probably looking for. The different colored outlines were great too. You show so much going on without dialogue. I appreciated that full heartedly.

I really liked this cartoon. I guess it might be because I'm 26 myself. I guess I am pretty glad that I don't have to deal with work like this. Then again, there's still bed pans where I work... The animation was really nice in this. I just felt like I could really associate with these guys.

The elderly turtle idea was great. Yep, that's a job that's going to last forever. I appreciate how nice the voices are. All the individuals are really unique in this. I like the color change too.

Just when I thought you ran out of bodily fluids! Well, then again, this isn't really a fluid. It's more of a solid that occurs because of a fluid. It's blood in some form. I really do like the music. I can always count on you for original material.

It was a bit too short though. I am fascinated by someone having all those scabs. You'd probably be dead from infection with all those! It's quite surreal when you think about it. Gross like most of your stuff.

Wow, that was great! I really am surprised that this doesn't have more views! It's just so rare you see something about Hanukkah. Then again, this wasn't really that pro-Hanukkah when you think about it. The menorah was evil! The animation was just superb in this.

It was great to have two holiday objects duke it out. I don't think I've ever seen anything focusing on Kwanzaa. Besides, this is still technically a Christmas movie. It still isn't under that category though.

I did not care for this because there wasn't much going on. it was just a single gag. That thing didn't even look like a firework. It looked more like some random stick of dynamite. I guess it wouldn't make sense for a kid to be playing with dynamite. Of course, they're pretty much indistinguishable here.

The CGI wasn't good at all. I'm thinking it might have been intentional. It would have worked better as part of a compilation. It's just too simple. That is a nice song at the end. The final gag's still pretty expected.

I really love movies that are trying to say something. I admit the title was pretty confusing. Oh yeah, it makes sense when you learn about the origin, but not much else. I thought this would just be something about animals. I didn't think it would have any deeper meaning. Then again, human beings are technically animals.

The music was great. Don't worry, the Earth will be around for a long time. Humans on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. Look at that bit from George Carlin about it. This is just a nice and soft cartoon.

I thought this was nice, but not enough to recommend. It just seemed too short. There really wasn't a lot of purpose in this. I thought the ninja was a bit too harsh. Then again, the "Ask A Ninja" ninja was much worse. Hey, this was released the same thing that show came out!

The animation was fine. It was just nothing too memorable. Ninjas ARE pretty popular on the Internet. This should be in the collection. There's one for them, right?

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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