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I thought this was nice, but not enough to recommend. It just seemed too short. There really wasn't a lot of purpose in this. I thought the ninja was a bit too harsh. Then again, the "Ask A Ninja" ninja was much worse. Hey, this was released the same thing that show came out!

The animation was fine. It was just nothing too memorable. Ninjas ARE pretty popular on the Internet. This should be in the collection. There's one for them, right?

That's odd. At the end of the movie, it shows an ad for the same movie twice! I guess that's just a thing here now. I appreciate you living up to the feel of the series. I don't I saw the original cartoon. I don't even seem to remember the last one too well.

This plot seems to come out of nowhere! I still love the voices. It kind of reminds me of Starbarians. It's just that there's a more sane person as his sidekick. It's still fun in its own right, obviously.

I can see how this would make a live comedy show sketch. That being said, I really enjoyed this! I guess it just came off as so real to me. Then again, I am glad I can not associate with it. I don't even drink. Well, I don't drink alcohol, I mean.

I like how sadistic it is. Whatever happened to the Funny Cartoons Page anyway? I can't find it anywhere. For some reason, the stuff I've been reviewing has quotes around the title. That's kind of unique.

It's great how you make such elaborate cartoons. I just love Auron's attitude. At first, I thought I wouldn't like how it was all about "Final Fantasy". Then you threw in a bunch of other video game references. Then you had cameos by other characters! The voices were great in this.

I really do recognize a lot of these people. It's a pity that they don't seem to be here anymore. Sephiroth was also great. I had no idea that was his name in the song. You had some spelling errors.

Just hearing the title made me weirded out about how this was a cartoon. It seemed like it would have worked better as a game. This is still quite enjoyable. The music really makes it. That Matrix stuff never gets old. Everything moves quite smoothly.

I assumed you'd get a combo of 100. It's just a really nice even number. I remember trying to play that back in high school. Come to think of it, that was the exact time this cartoon came out. I guess it was just really big back in those days.

This was a really good cartoon! I admit that it seemed to get overly complicated as it went on. I had little understanding as to what was going on. It didn't matter, because it was still tons of fun. I had no idea what direction it would take. At first, I thought it would be about video games.

I guess I should have known better from the title. Then again, you can earn money in many different ways. I wasn't even sure that these things even had hair. The anime drawing was really nice. A bit too fetishy (?) though.

I found this to be a great cartoon! The "Staying Alive" music at the end seemed pretty out of place. I still thoroughly enjoyed this. I especially like the sprite work. It was great to see Mario being done in a hand drawn manner here. I guess sprites are like the 2D of animated movies.

We just don't use them anymore. The artwork really holds up. It's great o see all this come together. I lost count of the death toll when Bowser killed all those mushroom guys. You have some author's comments too.

I admit to being quite impressed by this! My only complaint was that it seemed to be a little too long. While well handeled, the thing with the girl could have been better. You really showed great animation in this! Everything just looks beautiful! Stick flashes will never die.

A pity the same can't be said for the characters themselves. I don't think all the other Flairs are here. The music was great, especially at the ending credits! There was so much style in this. It should be more popular.

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