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Judging by the lack of color, I assumed that this would be something simple. Boy, was I wrong! I just loved how much action there was in this! The animation was amazing as well! It's great to be surprised by something good. I'm glad this is under the robot collection.

There's just so much style. You have no clue what will happen next. The lines are really good. I'm glad the main character is pretty psychotic. I wasn't expecting that from him.

I think this was probably my favorite in the whole series. It was just great to see this great animation again. I remember the story exactly from the previous episode. For some reason, I had problems with it before. I am so glad you are making more of these! There's just so many great jokes.

You guys are both talented. I just like the idea of a guy named Snorting. The voices and animation are so good. I love how this was on the front page before even being passed. This will win an award!

Wait, if you don't speak English, how could you write author comments like that? There's some English phrases in the background now! It doesn't matter that much. I still enjoyed this. It's mostly because of how good the animation is. There's another series here with the same name. This seems better.

It just fits the title more. It's great to see all this action. You even have a pretty cool logo. With the foreign films I've seen, I should understand this stuff more. Then again, I can't even tell what language this is.

I ended up liking this. I admit that the "dickhead" joke was probably the best part. Okay, the song was great too. It's nice to have a lot going on. Even though it has few views, I do remember it from before. It's pretty simple with the designs.

It's pretty unpredictable as well. I am glad that this became a series. While not too memorable, certainly worth looking at. You know how to keep the jokes going. It's a bit too long, though.

This was pretty funny. I do know realize why you should never drink out of the toilet. They can get really dirty and leave rings everywhere. The animation was pretty good. I do think it was a tad too long. You didn't need much to get this joke done.

I heard cats do that too. My cat drinks out of the bathtub! That's got to be healthier! The voices were pretty good. It was entertaining for what it was.

I enjoyed this. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it was still watchable. It was nice to see this fairly good animation. It could have been better, though. I guess my main complaint is that it was kind of boring. I knew that twist would come at the end.

This kind of looks like LegendaryFrog's work. I wish he'd make new stuff here. It had some ambition, just not much. There must be something wrong with my compuer now. How ironic.

I personally just found this to be okay. It didn't really satirize the movie or anything. The animation wasn't bad. Weren't the Monstars super strong? I mean, they could at least put up a good fight against the Toons. The voices were pretty good though.

Why didn't the Looney Tunes just do that in the beginning? It's just pretty lackluster to me. There was nothing special. It wasn't bad, just mediocre. I'm glad that movie's a cult favorite, though.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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