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I thought this was okay, just not great. It is pretty one joke and not that funny, at least not for me. Don't get me wrong, it had great animation. Maybe I need to know more about "Undertale" to like this. I just wanted to see some action. I still thought it was put together well.

It just wasn't quite my thing. I find it funny how he called him a numbskull. I mean, they literally have no skin! I just have to apologize for this (fairly) low rating. It's a good environment, though.

Aww, dang! Why was this so short? It was just perfect! Anyway, this had possibly your best animation ever! The best part was...uh that's hard to say in something so brief. The action, I guess.

The designs of the characters were great. We had some amazing expressions too. He doesn't look like any Grim Reaper I've seen. Please make a longer version! This is just amazing!

How could I have missed this the day it got its award?! This is freaking amazing! The animation was spectacular! The audio was just perfect! I even loved the part at the end with the live-action cat. Wait, why wouldn't I love that?

You manage to tell so much without color. We rarely get pure black and white stuff here. You create a fairly uplifting video. I love the animation with how her hair moves. In something this good, you notice every single beautiful detail. At 00:44, I hope that was supposed to be water she was bathing in and not uh, blood.

I admit to not being the biggest fan of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". From what I've seen of it, it's just okay. This was a good representation. Master Shake's voice is so funny. The animation was put very nicely. You know how to use expressions.

This guy looked like Bone from the comic "Bone". Then again, that was probably the intention. You know how to make expressions. I felt it didn't go on too long. I would have liked this more if I was an ATHF fan, but this was still good.

Corndogzella responds:

Yeah, same too, i'm not a huge fan of ATHF, i watched a few episodes and i like it but i don't watch it very often. Thanks for the long review, at least you appreciated it ;) and long reviews make me learn from it so i can improve.

I admit that I didn't think too highly of this when I first saw it. I still really don't. It's too short. I really wanted to see that dog that was on the cereal box. I'm glad you included that cereal box info. It's just not enough for a commercial.

They need to be at least 30 seconds long. This was indeed nutty. I was able to navigate through the maze on the box cover. Well, technically it was a drawing. Dang, we got high scores today!

JPiXeLAnimations responds:

it was meant to be a short assignment to show our understanding of the particle system in C4D, not a full 30 sec. commercial, though i did want to emulate that feeling from this revision, with the little time i had before i got to showcase in class. but i totally understand wanting more from this, and i appreciate your feedback!
you'll definitely see more from these characters in the future!

This took place in 2002? I couldn't tell. It was great to see everything so nicely put together. The animation was superb! I couldn't understand the ending, though. It was great to see such goofy characters being brought together.

I appreciate the bright colors too. The funniest part was probably when Johnson got incinerated. I actually liked that character! I guess I'm just sadistic like that. the running time was just right too.

Horse folder? I would think he would be getting a pet horse! This was just okay until the very end. The guy really did want an elephant! Right? This was very enjoyable and nicely goofy.

Everything was so exaggerated. It was still pretty mundane. It still had a delightfully cartoonish spirit. It was nice for something relatively short. I get used to that here.

Was that actual audio from a toddler? She shouldn't be around weights. Well, I don't meant to be ageist. I love how you have no idea what's going on in these cartoons. They don't see to follow each other. It's a cute little cartoon.

I just don't think these have consistent themes. The colors were pretty nice. Red, white and blue? You're getting us in the 4th of July mood! I hope she didn't hurt herself.

Cutsu-Art responds:

This is the reference video I used! :D

This joke was great because it was a great unexpected twist. I thought there'd be a lot of feces. I'm glad it wasn't. I think blood is worse, though. It kind of looked like something from "Saturday Morning Breakfast Meal". The animation is pretty good.

Toilets can be very dirty. I wonder why that guy let the first guy go. By "go", I mean that in every sense of the word. The title is a great misidrect.

This was pretty good, but just not great. It was too short. Then again, it was just a sketch. I appreciated how fast paced it was. It just could have been longer. You know how to create good frames.

I've been thinking about animation frames for awhile now. I'm glad it wasn't just random violence. Well, it didn't seem like random violence because of how fast it was. I'm glad you can find room for more stuff to see. It's definitely good, just not great for me.

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