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This was really funny. I truly appreciate how the animation is so nice. It seems to contrast well with the humor of the cartoon. You really aren't expecting that tone. The action scenes themselves are quite nicely done. I just love seeing the Grim Reaper like that.

It's great to have so much stuff going on. The jokes have a wide variety to them. The voices are all appropriate and really funny. I even like that song at the end. Everything is quite unexpected.

Merry Christmas 2015! I decided I would celebrate my watching and reviewing nothing but Christmas movies here. Sad to say I didn't like this. The animation just wasn't that good. It got too redundant. I know that's how the song is SUPPOSED to be, but the artwork could have been better.

I really trust that debunking website on this. It's still a great song. I am at least glad you managed to show the song just like it is. It even has a pretty nice ending. Merry Christmas now and forever!

I really did like this, but it had one major flaw. It was mostly how the animation wasn't that good. I am familiar with this story. I wish to someday see the Disney version. They also made a movie based on "The Little Mermaid" another Hans Christian Anderson story! I still like how you got the spirit of the series down.

I always want classic stories treated this well. I am at least familiar with the story and know how it ended. I'm glad I don't know that about the new Star Wars movie. I loved the religious themes. I am quite religious, BTW.

This was by no means awful. I just personally found it to be too long. It seems like it would have worked better as just a single joke. Instead, you showed numerous days of Christmas. This didn't end up being much of a series, though.

It's still nice to be watching and reviewing this on Christmas! I like how sometimes he has just trolley in the subtitles. The atmosphere was fairly good. The animation isn't bad. It just isn't too memorable, but Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you! I'm so glad I decided to review this on Christmas. There are just so many good things in this. I think my favorite part would probably be the thing about the car in the store. It does make little sense! Congrats on all these awards you won!

The extra fun is seeing the tributes to the other flash animators. RIP Randy Solem. It was weird without an evil plot. Bolt 2 makes me think about a Disney movie sequel. I love the way you make fun of yourself with action figures too.

This was a great cartoon! I admit that it didn't seem to have much to do with scientists. I mean yeah, there were chemicals and stuff. There just wasn't much of a laboratory. I do love the music, though. The best thing about it is probably the animation.

I didn't know it would be so good! I guess I'm just not used to seeing your art style. You should submit more stuff recently. It was so nicely paced. I'm surprised you had scene select for something relatively short.

This is probably the best Christmas flash I've seen this year! The voices were awesome. The best part was easily when Mrs. Claus was listing the other people who have helped Santa. Yeah, he is pretty lazy. Then again, that is a lot of houses to go through. Of course, the Flintstones took place before Christmas so that must have been really desperate.

I guess I was hoping for a more optimistic ending. It's still quite funny. The music worked well. The animation came off as really unique to me too. Merry Christmas of course!

rubberonion responds:

Wow, reading this honestly made my night... thanks for the awesome comment! Sorry I didn't give you a more optimistic ending but glad you enjoyed it just the same... and I appreciate the comment about my animation being unique, seriously this was a really positive read, thank you and Merry Christmas!!

I guess this is kind of original. I don't think I've heard this song here before. I thought it was part of "T'was The Night Before Christmas". The animation seemed really off in this. I guess it also shouldn't have been an infinite loop. Granted, I don't know how to fix it.

Is this guy supposed to be a Christmas present? That seems to make sense to me. Was he just some generic block? Well, Merry Christmas! I'm glad to, uh, watch some Christmas stuff at this time.

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