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I remember first watching this back in 2000! Yes, I firmly believe it was on another website before you put it here. It really does look pretty dated. It's still a great cartoon. I just love how these guys have such distinct personalities. I don't think I've ever even been to Hampsterdance.com before.

I always heard it was annoying. The voices were spot on. I just noticed Terrance's PETA pin. Kind of ironic, when you consider PETA is heavily against the use of animals in entertainment. Lil Pengy is pretty charming.

Yes, it's been so long since you've submitted something! I'm so glad you're still around. It's too bad this was less than a minute. It would have worked even better as a trailer. It's a shame you wouldn't do more with this. It's still great for what it is.

I appreciate the animation being as good as ever. It's great how you've created something new. I love how you put the TM in the title. While short, it works well as satire. The creativity always works.

I believed this mostly deserved the praise that it's gotten. It's simply great to see this awesome animation. You manage to tell so much without dialogue. I guess it was a little too long. It's still a great cartoon, though. You really know how to set yourself up.

I didn't realize Nim was that small. Yes, I figured out that was the main character's name. The music was amazing. I just appreciated all the hard work and effort put into this. A little late for winter, I suppose.

I thought this was even better than the first one! It's just great how the animation is so good. You really have come far with your work. I just love the idea of a killer hot dog. I mean, just a talking hot dog would have been fine. I love his voice. You have no idea what will happen next.

You put another new menu up! It was even with the second part of the same cartoon! The spinning scene is quite cute. First time I've seen a klay man being skinned. Pretty simple solution at the end.

This really came off as funnier to me now with the release of "The Force Awakens". It features a stormtrooper going rogue. Wait, weren't all of them clones? Maybe the new movie retconned it. This is just meant to be humorous, obviously. I really loved the music.

It shows a good sincere feeling. This and the movie have made me realize that these guys have individuality. It's the perfect length too. The animation is quite nice. It's just all around good.

This seems pretty long already. It's great to have your stuff back again. You took a hiatus with the movie you were working on, I believe. I just love hot dogs. The voices are probably the funniest part. I especially love that second guy.

I think this was well paced. I like how he just starts this hot dog stand. You really should see those around more. You finally got a new menu! It looks nice.

I really liked this cartoon! I admit that I was turned off by how there didn't seem to be spoken dialogue in it at first. I am glad it changed genres. There really is a lot of stuff that goes on in this cartoon. While fairly long, it was quite worth it. The animation is so good.

It's great to see new storylines appearing. You really do set up good details. It was weird to have the title character absent from most of this. It was certainly genuinely creepy. You did a good job here!

robfeldman responds:

Thanks man! It was so long ago that I did this and glad to see you are still enjoying it!

I enjoyed this. I did think it was a bit too long. It seemed kind of slow moving. I did like it how these characters tried to act so normal. They do seem like generally nice people. You could have used some more music.

You were really fond of making 001 stuff, weren't you? This definitely has potential. Their names aren't really that. The title was quite misleading. It was still fun.

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