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Eh, not that good

While the graphics were great, I could tell you did not make this yourself and just used footage from one of the "Dragonball Z" games. The music was an infinite loop so it got a bit annoying. The biggest problem was that it was simply too short. I would have liked to see a fight between Cooler and Gogeta. Gogeta is waaay stronger, but it would have at least made for something interesting. It is weird to have a screen where you can see the credits as you only have to wait a few seconds for the credits to show.

Happy Clock Day

You get points because it was just great to see those awesome sprites. While I never played that stuff when I was a kid, that has some of the best use of sprites I have ever seen. The main problem was that it was just the same thing over and over. I do not understand why this "Fro" group is popular, because none of the members even have pictures on their icons. I guess you did not refer to this itself as a spam flash, at least not in the author comments. You should have more than just an infinite loop.

Fro responds:

Submitted: 08/15/2009 | 12:00AM EST

File Info: Movie | 566.7 KB | Add Movie to Favorites

Genre: Spam

Why won't you respond to my review?

This was fun to watch because the claymation was good and the idea is pretty original. The blue monster in this looked more like Chaos from "Sonic The Hedgehog" than anything else. The graphics that showed the screen and everything were even better than the actual cartoon! I think you may be the first person in Newgrounds in history to win a Daily 2nd Place and an Underdog of the Week award! Watching this, I can understand how that happened, although it is hard to put in reviews. Hopefully the full flash will be great.

mattuiop responds:

lol thx. blue mosters are colled elites btw.
its nothing to do with sth though.

thanks for pointing it out!

So awesome

This had some of the most impressive animation I have ever seen in a mundane flash like this! It seems like you might have been influenced by "Scott Pilgrim" or something. The song itself is so hilarious so you do not have to apologize for it being too short. I just loved the way these characters moved around and changed their expressions and everything! I am so glad I was able to review this before it left the front page!

JoelOnToast responds:

Ahah, thanks a bunch.


This was awesome to watch because it seems to work really well as a demo reel. You, jameslee, never make bad flashes anyway. It was great to see recurring features like the kid at the end and the toast who was running away from the cloud. I guess I was hoping 24 would have the toast or various other things or maybe about the show 24's end. Still, it was amazing how you were able to do so many great things when only one scene had actual dialogue. It seems like you were on the theme of characters running away from things.

Your best!

I am surprised that it only won Daily Feature. This was a fantastic cartoon as it had some of the best animation you have ever made, espeically how well the CGI works. I just love the designs of all the characters, like the little guy who doesn't do much. I wish I had seen the first before, but this was just so exciting! I mean seriously, fanservice, zombies being shot up, great animation, those are ALL that you need to make a flash that will go down in history. I know nothing about what is going on, but it is so awesome I do not care!

What a surprise!

I was thinking this would feature Marichu (he's better than Sonichu at least) but it did not. From the start, it was still very fun especially with the Koopa cursor icon. I originally thought this was just going to be something short and dumb as it seemed to stop after Mario got his mushroom. You did a great job building up to a tension to an awesome climatic fight! Pointers always make the hardest enemies, particularly with all the guys coming out everywhere. It was a great tribute to the original level in the Super Mario Bros. game and all around great tribute to Mario.

Pienkaito responds:

I can't believe, that anyone would ever put Marichu and Sonichu in one sentence.


Congradulations, I suppose

It was a stroke of genius to submit this on Clock Day, when everybody is voting "5". I am also glad you are aware of the fact that your submission has such a high score. It is too bad that this really had nothing to do with the Clock Crew at all. It appears to be nothing but a single image that is poorly drawn. I do hope you have come a long way since then because there seemed to be no effort put into this at all. I wish I knew how to put an ad like that at the beginning of my single submission.

Hey, not bad!

It is still funny to see how many people helped you on something so short. The animation was really good in this one and I especially liked the background and the blurry vision and everything. I know you are not trying to be racist, as people on Newgrounds should know by now that is supposed to be funny. The clocks on his left and right look the same to me. This could have been better with some more jokes and a bit more length. The best part was probably when he said "Negrogrounds" in the subtitles.

dx5231 responds:

Well, thank you. Actually, I was the only one who worked on this animation. Both clocks on the sides are the same, yeah. Some people try to take stuff way too seriously on ng, so I had to put that thing up.

I only worked on this for a day, it would have been longer if I worked more on it.

Thanks for the review.

ChandlerThompson responds:

I can't believe that dx5231 is underselling my involvement in this masterpiece.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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