Mildly entertaining
Woah, I had no idea there was another Clock holiday called Pirate Day or AntiClock Day! That being said, this was fairly mediocre because it had a lot of characters but they did not do much. I like how you used the fat Sephiroth as a symbol for the gay clocks. One thing I'm wondering, if they're all gay men, why not throw in some women to make it straight? Anyway, this was as goofy as any other Clock Crew flash. I was expecting something more about religion granted your clock name.
Some of it was lazy, like how the one yellow clock just randomly flew himself around the screen. There were some good ideas like the sword shaped like a penis. As random as this thing was, it did manage to have more of a plot than other clock stuff. The animation in the intro looked so good! I really wish you would have used that for the entire thing!