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Pretty entertaining

I have to admit I'm not the biggest fan of this series, but it is pretty interesting when you watch it. I liked how you gave your character a good feeling of emotion. This didn't seem to be as colorful as some other entries (literally), but it was good. There's simply an infinite number of things you can do with this, it's a great way to improvise. It's hard to go into a lot of detail about something that works so well in its simplicity. I think the best part was probably when he was in the clouds.

It didn't make me laugh

I thought this was a pretty bad flash, given that it seemed to have no color. I will give it credit because the one good part was when the potato guy the other guy's head on the stand thing. This could use some voice actors, and if you are going to make this into a series, I would be glad to help. The art seems kind of rough, especially with how the characters seem too jiggly. I guess I can give you props for introducing me to this sort of nice song. Next time, make sure it has more of a story and punchlines.

Happy new decade!

With the new decade coming up, I guess it was only natural people would commemorate the old one with their favorite stuff. I kept thinking this was maybe only made by one person, saying as how everyone had the same favorite game. It's still great to see Wonchop and Weebl working together again. I myself didn't play a lot of video games this decade, although I did get a Playstation 3 last Christmas, so that could change. The animation and humor was as good as ever. It was interesting to see those crazy singing mushrooms again.

It got better

I wasn't very interested at first, as it didn't seem to have much going for it, but I was glad it got better. It was cool as always with that animation that's pretty goofy. I thought it wasn't going to be particularly funny or anything, but using reindeer magic was pretty cool. It did strike me as odd that Santa was being pushed around. While not the most innovative of things I've seen, it was pretty interesting. It's too bad this wasn't released closer to Christmas time.

It is bigger

Hmm, it's a pity you didn't submit this exactly on August 15th, but it is pretty close. It does really give off the impression that it took, little effort to make. It looks kind of sloppy; I mean, at least StrawberryClock had a "B" in his movie that used actual text. It's nice that you are trying to pay tribute to all of the things the Clock Crew has done. I hope you had a very happy Clock Day this year. Next time, I would suggest butting more letters other than "B" and making some moving around a bit.

They work great together

I knew I was going to see something good when I would see "Counter Strike" and "Pokemon" in the same cartoon! It's cool how this was a dark take on "Pokemon", but not one that was about how it was horrible. The best animation was probably when Charizard was eating the guy. I loved how the 2D animation of the characters contrasted with the 3D animation of the background. It could've used a bit more action, but the idea is so awesome it's worth watching. All in all, it's a good idea that was executed well.

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