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It seems like you could have done so much more with this. It was just the DBZ characters drawn that way. There didn't seem to be much good voice acting either. It sounded like there was something wrong with their mikes. You just did so little with it. There wasn't much going on.

I don't remember those blue things from "The Powerpuff Girls". Or were they supposed to be from DBZ? There needed to be more action. It was too short as well. I'm sure you can do better.

I have heard rumors that SpongeBob is a tampon. I guess that's what he was supposed to be here. I'm surprised we never had a SpongeBob collection here. Anyway, the animation and voice acting were pretty bad. I guess it was just meant to be lame porn. I don't know if this would show up on the Rule 34 website.

Yes, I know about that. So sue me. It was weird to see Ariel's vagina as being separate from her fish body. Well, I don't know mermaid anatomy. It's nothing special.

I guess this doesn't hold up well. This reminds me of the Beebo series. I guess I just got you guys mixed up. I didn't like how it was just this music over and over. Still, it did kind of work with how cheesy it was. The effects were pretty lame.

Are they considered "effects" in a cartoon? Well, it's something like it with the live-action faces. It was nicely goofy. There's nothing that bad about it. There have just been better and worse stuff made.

Why was this under the Religion collection and not the War On Terror one? Well, I guess the two are related. Yeah, I heard about this too. I knew there'd be something 911 related at this time. The first year anniversary was the hardest. We're still doing it today.

I guess the animation was quite nice. It does seem like it's just nothing but trying to be offensive. I don't see any social commentary in this. Maybe it doesn't hold up. If there's something anti-religious that most people don't like, I have to be against it.

I am sorry, but I didn't like this. There was no dialogue for one thing. I thought the animation was pretty subpar. I didn't see what this had to go with Metal Gear. Granted, I've never played the game. I've still seen enough parodies to understand it.

I guess you probably regard this as an old shame. I like your other stuff much better. It's great to see how much you've improved IMHO. I just don't think it holds up. Well, it probably didn't when it first came out.

I just love Randy's Mario Vs. Sonic cartoon so much. Has it really been years since he died? Wow, how the time goes. I loved this because it was actually the first time I heard of Super Sonic. I didn't even know that was a character from the actual games! I thought it was just a Super Saiyan fan thing.

I appreciate how good the sprite work is. This is an extremely creative death. Urine is usually quite hot. Hey, it's yellow just like him! Everything looks great here and of course, RIP.

I'm sorry, but I didn't care for this that much. It's mostly because it was too long. I am kind of glad that it didn't show any porn. Well, there was a dildo or two in it. I appreciate how other people really like this. It just isn't for me.

I actually do like Link and Zelda's relationship. Wait, how did Link know Samus was a girl? Maybe he just saw her before. Samus is much hotter. I guess everyone got what they wanted.

Wow, this is one of the greatest cartoons I have ever seen in my life. I am simply amazed at how brilliant it is. I had no idea what was going on. I just love it when stuff is so topical here. That's probably the main reason "South Park" is my favorite animated show of all time. I'm watching that too!

Donald Trump did in fact appear, but only at the end. The visuals are unbelievably gorgeous. It's never to the point where it's too demented. You just create this amazing world where all this insanity takes place. You should be more popular here. The music is flawless too.

I loved this if only because of how realistic it was. Yes, it's really short, but it makes sense. It kind of reminds me of "Bambi Meets Godzilla". That made as much sense as this. Vegeta can destroy entire planets. Actually, every single DBZ character can destroy entire planets! Well, the Moon at least.

This really is what would happen. This is why Vegeta wouldn't be in "Super Smash Bros". Well, he's not a video game character so he wouldn't be there anyway. The artwork isn't bad. It's hard for DBZ to have a legitimate crossover with really anything.

How'd I skip this one? I really enjoyed this because of how funny it was. Yeah, you are Jewish. It's nice how you put in so many jokes in two minutes. I have had OCD like this before. Well, I've had something like it before.

Your voice is so sincere. I bet this literally did happen to you. I love when you talk in the other voice. It's so obvious, but so funny too. You were always entertaining.

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