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Ah yes, I really should have seen King Leonadias (or however his name is spelled) emerge from this sooner or later. He was easily the coolest thing in this cartoon. At first I thought it was going to be a more generic Tetris parody. That still didn't make it something I would recommend, though. For one, it's a loop, which I guess isn't your fault considering the problems some people have to work through. It was weird how the same scene happened twice.

At least the Tetris graphics were fairly decent in their own right. Of course, I imagine it would not be that difficult. Next time, I suggest that you make the action move faster, especially with the king. You could also work on a more original song. It makes you realize why Tetris is so popular in how simple its design is.

ToxMace responds:

Yo I made this on Windows movie maker and ms paint that's why it sucks.

That was weird

The coolest thing was easily the animation that was used at the end. I so wished that would have been featured the entire time! Anyway, it was still pretty cool with what you did with the text flying everywhere. I can't help but be reminded of that "Eat Da Poo Poo" meme flowing around everywhere. It was also nice to show that cool violin music at the end. I hope you someday find the person who sent that voice mail.

You can thank him or her for inspiring such a cool animation! I knew I was going to get some actual poop in terms of visualization. I could definitley not hear a single thing when that Mozart was playing. At least this person knows how to talk about poop with some classic music going on. It's probably a prank call, don't take it personally.

Loks amazing

Wow, you would think I would have heard about the episodes before. Anyway, this is a great looking trailer. It does move a little slowly at times, but I am sure it will turn out much better when everything when this gets an actual story. It was amazing how lush the animation was and how original the story was. Granted, there was no dialogue, but it still gave a great sense of having a story. The guy with the hat is one of the most interesting looking villians I've ever seen.

This is something that really just cuts the crap and goes for the nitty-gritty good stuff. You can even see the emotion in the main character's eyes. Is Faux by chance the girl's name? You get that way when you see so many characters whose names are in the titles. It was also great to listen to all that really fun music that set up suspense well.


It had been such a long time since you made the original Morphemon cartoons and I no idea you would ever come back. I can definitley say you got your work cut out for you by working on this so long. As you did everything yourself, I understand why you credit yourself as "Crew". The voice acting was nice and I could not tell it was the same person. In case anyone's wondering, this has a running time of a whopping 27 minutes. Grab your dinner and check this out.

The weird thing is that it was so bad but also so good at the same time. The characters were all moving around in such stupid ways that added to the charm. The thing that it did seem to really need was music. It just seems a lot slower paced compared to the original cartoons. These people can do such amazing things with their bodies they should be dueling themselves! I notice how the girl's boobs change sizes.

Too funny

This was a great entry in the TOFA series, because it was just so random. Geez, I have followed Kirbopher since he started, and I can't even tell who he voiced in this! From the description, I actually thought this was going to be a lot more serious. It was cool how there were so many things going on with this. Even the end credits that showed the reflections of hte creators was cool! The title seemed like it would be a game.

I love how amazingly dopey, but also charming everyone sounded. If there was something that could dispense cupcakes like that, I would fight for it. It kind of reminded me of the random stuff that LazyMuffin makes. It's of course great in its own right because it's ironic talking candy would want something that dispenses sweets. While not that detailed, the body movements were good.

CyanSandwich responds:

Thanks man :D
If you would like to know - Kirbopher voiced the lollipop and the main kid.
And that's quite nice of you to compare me to lazymuffin :O

It seems familiar

It's been awhile since I have reviewed something made by you. It was interesting how you managed to make such a high-quality flash in such a short time. The problem I had with this is that it didn't have any music. At least you included sound effects like when Ursa Major showed off his chainsaw arms. The voicework was pretty fancy, too. For some reason, this reminded me of the work by Snakejohnson (an animator here) only more high-tech.

I was expecting Ursa Major to just cut Whatever in half as he didn't care about anything. It was certainly random with how it was about Russian czars and then zombies. Please put some more zombie action in the next installment, if there is one. It's the kind of non-sequitor stuff that fits a crazy website like this. A good effort.

It's back!

It's been awhile since I've heard from you, Granfaloon (hey, that rhymes!). The coolest thing was that you continued working on such a great series. Every single episode gets better as it goes along in terms of animation and even humor. The funniest part was probably when Sheik's boobs suddenly popped out. Wow, Omahdon is starting to become as prolific as TomaMoto! The animation was so lush in this.

As I haven't played that Zelda game, I can't quite get some jokes. That still didn't stop me from loving this wonderfully done cartoon! I love the voices, especially the part where Link's literal creator called him up to kill Navi. Everyone just looks so highly fluid in this cartoon. I probably wasn't that much turned on by the blue sea woman as some, because I'm not a furry, or a scaley or whatever that thing is. It's also quite unpredictable.

I guess it's not terrible

Well, it's really hard to recommend something that doesn't have any sound and is nothing but a ball running around. I guess the animation was a bit decent, because it did seem to flow well. It should have had some sound effects when the ball hit things. It seems like you are new to Flash and one big thing to do is not to just work on tests. It certainly seemed like a test to me. A lack of color can actually work if the action is good.

The thing is that the action is not very interesting and has little going on. I guess this is good for a test flash, but that kind of thing is not highly reverred on the website. I hope you learn to improve from your mistakes. It seems more like a thing that would go on a personal website instead of a public one. At least you have desire to make Flash.

This actually isn't so bad

Well, I have no idea what's going on, but it sure is cool to watch. The most awesome thing about this is how you have no idea what is going to happen next. Well, it's obvious he's going to be killed, but sometimes it is subverted. I don't even know what you're making fun of, but it's so funny I don't even care. It's just awesome to see this lush animation and these goofy antics. It was great to see the references to all your previous works.

I was expecting the Turtles poster in the background to be an Easter egg. The voicework was great with how he freaked out over everything. Of course, I'd probably do the same thing if I kept getting killed. The funniest part was easily the one with the baby. I knew that baby was going to turn out to be some kind of monster.

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