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Yeah, it's hard to like something so short. It doesn't seem that appropriate for the website. Still, this wasn't bad. The animation was quite good. You are a very talented artist. I'm glad you're celebrating your friend's birthday.

It's your friend, right? Cake is always awesome. I like how unpredictable it is. Well, there wasn't that much time for things to happen. I appreciate the sincerity.

It's hard to tell if this was better than your last cartoon. I mean, this had less action. I felt it had better music, though. The setup was more interesting. I'm still going to say the previous one was a little better. More action worked out the best.

I don't see what this has to do with Sunday. Hey, it's Sunday morning now! It's appropriate for me. I saw brains too. "The Walking Dead" is coming back as well!

It would have worked better if this wasn't so long. Well, I guess I did lose count of how long it was. I can at least appreciate how it was kind of unique. The animation was really bad here. It didn't help with the random porn. Well, porn's pretty random anyway.

I'm not that familiar with "Resident Evil". You don't have to be to understand why this isn't good. The colors were way off. Flash wasn't this bad back then. Well, I'm sure you got better by now.

It's interesting to see a new cartoon from you. It's especially nice when it's a new series. I assume this will become one. I wish you had submitted your "Five Night's At Freddy's" cartoons. They're immensely popular! I like the math wizard the best.

Odd how no one else does. I like how long it is. It still doesn't quite have enough jokes for 15 minutes. Well, we're always making longer stuff here nowadays. The animation is pretty good.

Okay, this is where I think you really started getting good. I mean, the other parts were fine, but this is entertaining. It's mostly because of the great jokes. I was confused at first as it seemed to end too abruptly. It ended up having more scenes and credits after that. I'm growing fond of that song too.

The best part was probably when John took over for animating. Link's appearance was great too. I still can't believe Joanna had yet to be introduced. Well, better animation would mean she'd be a lot hotter later anyway. The action was good too.

Aww, I feel empty hearted not seeing Joanna yet. I mean, the cartoon is called "Perfect Kirby". It's using the title "Perfect Dark"! Anyway, this wasn't quite as good as the first one. I think it's because it was too long. We didn't advance that much.

I am understanding the story more. It's great to be introduced to the video game characters more. The animation hasn't gotten better. Well, it was made at the same time as the first one! At least the guns are nice.

I was quite surprised at how the animation doesn't hold up. Your other stuff is so much better! Still, we all have to start somewhere. I really did like the beginning of this story. It's been so long since I've seen it. I'm just so used to watching later episodes of the series.

That's when it gets a lot better. I still liked parts of it. You know how to introduce your characters. I do think it was a bit too long. I missed sexy Joanna.

This may in fact have been the first great Clock submission. You guys showed you were professionals with this! I do have one complaint. It's too short! You should have shown off more with these great visuals. As a kid, I thought "The Phantom Menace" was the best "Star Wars" movie if only because of this scene!

Seriously, it's one of the best in the whole series! He kind of looks more like a strawberry. I guess he just should have been purple. You guys' first Daily Feature? You earned it!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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