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For something that was quite short, this was very memorable! I especially love the part where he talks about how he never used his penis. Well, he did use it to pee. You must have retitled these. I doubt you called it "Old" when it was first on the portal. I like the "fucking legs" bit.

It's an obvious joke that should be used more. The animation doesn't quite hold up. It's still really funny. I know more stuff came. I wish you guys were back too.

This is a great animutation! It's a pity you never went back to this. This was the time when everybody was making these. I am so sad this died out! Oh well, it was great while it lasted. You really had a wide variety of characters in this.

I was too distracted to notice if Colin Mochrie was there. The fake lyrics were great! Everything was just so active here. I love all the random references. Well, your later stuff is technically better.

I admit that I didn't see how this was an animutation. I mean, it's still a good cartoon. It just doesn't have anything from a normal animutation. Everything was drawn. Where's the clip art? Well, the images I mean.

The song was still pretty catchy. I did like the animation that you had. It just didn't work that well as an animutation. I would still recommend it. One of the few animutations to ever win Daily Feature.

How did I miss this appearing on the front page?! Well, I guess it wasn't really on the front page. Well, it was, but it was under the awards which is also front...aww, screw it. This was very funny. I especially love the right and left hook jokes. I guess this has a sequel hook.

Well, only one of those. The Win/Win/Lose jokes were probably the best. I really do find myself caring for this character. I know what it's like having an unreliable narrator. I just love tropes that much.

This was awesome. It's great how this holds up after all these years. The animation really is great. I can actually see this happening in the Pong game. It's pretty faithful to it! People have in fact written fanfics about this game.

Yes, they exist. I love the gibberish they speak. The part with all the 0s and 1s was great too. What's with that big boobed woman? Eh, I'm not complaining.

I really thought this was something different from you. The animation looks slicker than ever! Call me silly, but I read all the things on the header below. It was great to find out about Donald Trump. Seriously, that statistic is probably true. I loved the drowning joke too.

Of course, the actual cartoon is great. Again, I love how great everything looks. The voices fit the tone perfectly. It's so nice to have a different kind of story. I prefer the recent real life ones where clowns are attacking people (yeah, look that up).

I was disappointed that this was just Samus easily beating Kirby. There wasn't much else to it. I thought this might have been made by Pikanjo. It's just something about the lines. It's a pity it wasn't. They draw the hottest women!

Seriously, I can't stop drooling over this one pic they made of Samus in a sexy bikini! Why hasn't that masterpiece been submitted here?! It was too easily won. It's nothing we couldn't see in "Super Smash Bros". I can see why the rating is low.

I think it's great that this was one of the first NG parodies made on the whole website! Well, it was at least the earliest I can find. It's great to look back at the great stuff of the early days. Man, those really old flashes must be dead by now. The link for Billy Bob doesn't work. Nice bit of trivia though!

A lot of the animation doesn't hold up well. It's still nice to see a tribute. I think it's a little too long. Still, it's nice to see all the flashes together. You certainly got better with your stuff.

It's great to see how far you've come! I wish you'd make more stuff here too. I was surprised at how tacky the animation was. I thought it would get better. At least you got the "South Park" imitation down pretty well. Okay, that's really lame animation itself.

I even think the title seems amateur. It was too generic. This song would be used many times later. Of course, this was an early Zelda video. It's probably your worst cartoon.

I think this may be my second favorite animutation from you. It appeared on a list of unusual articles. Seriously, look that up! It's great to see all these different characters. That's a lot of Colin Mochrie. I wish you were here again.

This was your last animutation for awhile. I loved all the fake subtitles. That's what animutation is all about! I am reminded of that awful "Chairman Of The Board" movie I recently saw. It was the only movie starring Carrot Top, in case you didn't know.

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