View Profile Ericho

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Aww, I missed the weather duck. That alien is really messed up. When you talked about someone being shot in Canada, I thought you were talking about the recent mass shooting. Hmm, I guess it is hard to joke about something like that. Still, we can make anything funny. That alien is messed up.

I love how you consistently make cartoons. It must be hard to make something every day. That breast implant story is really funny. Here I was thinking they were a bad thing. I looked her up and she's pretty obscure.

threebrain responds:

hahaha yes it is hard. I need to figure out how to make it easier :-O Yeah Shing Fla is a nut. He needs some accessories like a bloody knife or hatchet.

It's great to hear your feedback on this issue. I know how frustrating it's been. So does everyone else. I will admit I'm definitely not one of those people. I live in Florida. I have not seen any spring breakers nearby.

The beaches are closed. My family still had a nice time when they visited me. It's still pretty bad. Weird how someone without a mouth talks so much. We should still have a coronavirus section.

That was quite unpredictable! I really did love how you didn't know what to expect. I mean, obviously I thought he'd hit him with the ball. He did get hit with the ball at the end! Yeah, I dealt with bullies too. This was still pretty insightful.

The animation is really good too. It would be hard to compete with Satina Episode 1. You still did a pretty good job. You tell a lot without words. Their personalities are well established.

I think DYK is a new sequence. It seems better than Tree Tings. Yes, of course they died from the coronavirus. Hey, it's Earth Day! No mention of that? Well, the Earth's not doing so well.

Oh, the Earth will be fine without us. Reminds me of George Carlin. I still haven't had a job in a long time. At least gas prices are low. That's the most positive thing I've heard come out of this!

threebrain responds:

OH snap I aint nose it was Earth day. Dang

It's great you're still here. I was thinking it would only be elsewhere. It reminds me of how most great animators have left. They still submit stuff, if only because of collabs. I really think this should have its own section. Then again, it would look weird missing installments.

Whatever, this is fun. I just really wanted to hear your thoughts on this virus. I mean, everyone's talking about it. They have to. I can't make money either.

I loved this! There's no way this won't win Daily Feature! I just thought it was an adorable cartoon. Yes, as adorable as you can do with demons. The best part is how great the animation was. Everything was wonderfully cartoonish.

At the same time, it was something you could associate with. Alright, I have no kids of my own. I didn't even recognize Almightyhans' voice. Then again, it can be hard to keep up with everyone. Santina has to be one of the most adorable characters ever! As cute as a demon kid can be.

Didn't feel the need to talk about biting dicks off. Then again, this wasn't that bad. I appreciated the gay animal references. It's great to promote gay rights! I knew you'd mention penguins. I know my gay animals.

Yeah, I love Doritos. I'm glad this got better as it went along. Not one of your best though. I guess I can only blame the news. Well, they're supposed to be accurate.

threebrain responds:

hahaha you right on all accounts. I thing the gay animals was the funny part. I was tired yesterday from too much drugs! And by drugs I mean coffee & crack

I admit I didn't have much faith in this. It seemed too short for a movie with such a high score. I'm glad I was disproven. This did seem like a trailer indeed. It was still good in its own right. The colors were wonderful.

Yes, I do what it's like living with the coronavirus. Well, I haven't had it myself. I just haven't had any work in awhile. Those robots did have guts! I guess balls would be too lewd.

Isn't it technically 420 all month? I mean, it's 2020! Anyway, this was pretty funny. I really don't care about marijuana. Of course, I'm not a smoker. My cat died of FIV.

Well, technically she ran away while she had it. My dad just watched "Black Panther" last night. What a coincidence! We'll need to forget what's going on. I didn't know he was gay.

threebrain responds:


I'm sorry! I just didn't think this was as good as the other entries! I still loved it! The animation was fantastic. The atmosphere and setup was great. I just thought it went on too long.

The credits took up too much time. It's still amazing! How does Gildedguy not have its own section! You really have gone beyond stick figures. I loved the scene of the switching to simplistic style.

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