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When I first looked at this, I thought it said, "American Parents". I imagine they can be like this too. I don't think this is one of your best cartoons. It still manages to be decent. I think the main reason is because the animation is as good as ever. The name reminds me of Moot. Not much of a 4chan guy.

Really, most people can relate to something like this. While it was a bit off with the subtitles (you usually don't use them) it was still watchable. I hope you make more good cartoons. The voices are fine too.

Wow, I was in no way expecting this at all. I thought it would just go on longer. I guess a single joke doesn't have to do that. What really made it was Future Spock appearing at the end. That pose he's in looks very dirty. I love the "Star Trek" movies.

It figures we'd have some parodies here and there. The animation is as gorgeous as ever. It really helps that it harder to portray live-action characters than animated ones in drawings. I am still glad you aren't making more of these. Great stuff.

Wow, this is the first thing you have submitted and possibly even ever made! I can not believe how much of a fantastic job you did with your first try! This is just so gorgeously animated. I appreciate all of the hard work put into everything. It was a bit hard for me to understand the symbolism. I'm glad the hare didn't turn into a crow at the end.

It represented his acceptance. I am amazed you managed to make such a wonderful piece in memory of a friend. That's probably the first time I've seen a cartoon here like that. This is one that has true heart. This is probably the best tribute you could make to your friend. God bless you for the grace you have shown us.

ShawnBranden responds:

Thank you! Yes this is my first, but far from my last.

This is probably my favorite in the series. I hope this wins an award of some kind, but it might be too late. I am so glad to say that I remember most of the characters' names. It helps that you list them in the author's comments. I hope to see more of this series. The animation is really good in this, especially with the rescue scene. It's hard to explain what makes that so good.

My favorite bits were the shipping chart and how he kept falling down. Yes, variants always make something funny. You're a better voice actor than you think. I just love to see the zany adventures these characters go on. There are always jokes going on, it's hard to think of specific ones. I love this!

I thought this was great. It's only not quite as good as the first one. I am glad to be around to at least to watch both of these. The best part is probably LeMarion dancing at the beginning. It seems like all of your cartoons are in three part story arcs. The designs are really good, especially the skull girl at the end.

No, I don't know HER name, but I know most of the others. I appreciate you keeping up the funny nature of this series. Everything is just wonderful. You really are a better animator than you think. Of course, I don't know what you really think of yourself.

Dang, I wish I could more into this porn thing, but I really can't. I do appreciate how good this was. I think this is probably my favorite episode. Since it was the longest, I was afraid it might just go on forever. It really did have a lot going on. I'm surprised HappyHarry was listed under Credits & Info.

I'm not going to make any recommendations, especially with BennettTheSage as the writer. You really are into porn more than Cinema Snob. But I digress, this is another well animated cartoon. Yeah, I'm not into this porn stuff and would probably never favorite it. You guys know your demographic.

It's weird because there was really only one scene here. Was the animation at the end with the big boobs supposed to be a scene? It was nice to look at, at least. I appreciate the good use of sprites. You rarely see those nowadays. Then again, it is hard to make sprites look attractive.

I prefer the other Asslevania stuff more. I still found this to be decent. A pity I can't really recognize RicePirate's voice. Of course, I assume he has numerous. I don't know if the lack of capitalization means anything.

I admit that this was not as good as your other entries. I think it's because the pauses seemed a bit off. I think these do in fact have a cohesive story. It's just that people are more interested in seeing the action. While not as good as the Madness series, still great! It's always nice to hear music from other countries.

For the most part, this was a music video. It seems like it's been awhile since we've had some really popular ones. Wait, Weebl makes lot of those. I think the pacing works out pretty well. That animation at the end with the car is great.

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