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Joke after joke

This seems just like something that would be released in a stand up comedy album put to animation, but apparently it is something you made up yourself! The funniest part was probably when there was a lot of material about finding out his wife was a whore. The only weak point was that the animation does look a little cheap. It is still nice of you to try something out of the ordinary and the humor gets across well. Another great part was when there was just a random fire in the care box.

Good for the Spanish speakers

I took a year of Spanish myself but I could not understand anything beyond "No" or "Why not?". I really have to appreciate all the work put into the animation. Every character has a silly design to them that seems to just contradict their own body image. I also like the really cool intro you put with all of those words in the background of the loading icon. Everything is done in a light hearted and humorous manner. Seeing as how it is a personal project on speaking Spanish, I would think there would be subtitles.

LeCorvo responds:

Thank ypu very much. I'll take your sugerence and i'll put the subtitles for next one.

I can see the influence

I was immediately reminded of those series when I first saw this, but at least Bitey had no real dialogue. I love the designs in these and it makes me realize that nymphs are really underused mythical characters. It almost sort of reminded me of "The Lion King". The voices in this are good, but I was a bit disappointed that it was so short. It is a bit hard to have such a simple story being used in something that focuses on mythology so much. I would love to see this made into a series with more plot.

Didn't like her personality?

While not as good as the "Neenja" series, this was a very fun thing to watch simply because it was so smart. I really do think there are a lot of ugly guys with hot wives out there, but that is mostly because women care more about money, of course. It is a true twist of irony how there are people like that but they are probably ugly too. It is something that pretty much any bachelor can associate himself with. It is a really nice piece of satire that shows how reality truly works. She was pretty ugly.

Too hard of a series?

I do hope that this gets made into a full part series eventually as it is so awesome. This is a great way of showing that you can work with more serious flash and lighthearted stuff too. It has some of the best animation I have seen on this website as everything just has so much death. The main character design is threatening and sweet. There is so much going on, you are surprised to find that it has an actual story. It is a gorgeous piece of work that seems to have been designed by any professional.

Best in the series!

I think this is one of the few series that actually has a link to the "Series" page on this website. I loved this one, simply because there is just joke after joke after joke. I should have known that guy was an alien monster. The funniest part might have been when the porcupine was free and believed in God only to be swept away by an eagle. Another funny line was about Ingus not noticing that the guy had his penis out. And of course, all the humor is consistent by him talking about the cheeseburgers at the end.

Not bad at all

The biggest negative thing about this cartoon is that there is simply no sound. It is not that difficult to simply download any fast paced song to go with something like this. I love the animation in this and particulary with how the character moves. It is actually so unique it is surprising you came up with it all by yourself. I have been experimenting with colors in real life, and this is an interesting demonstration of new technique. I may have seen it before, but it really fits the cartoon and overall theme.

Great satire

A username is what you are going to be known for on the Internet, so it should have a lot put into it. The animation was nice, but what really made it for me was seeing LazyMuffin. He/you actually made a flash about how he/you picked his/your username. I simply took a variant of my own name (Eric) and made it similar to one of the many nicknames my family gave me. I love how stupid the audience has to be with not figuring about Step 3 at first. Many people in fact use their real name or put their real name in the side of their username like Yotam Perel/LazyMuffin himself.

Computer fantasy!

This is definitley the best song and the best flash that you ever worked on. I am glad you have it avaiable on iTunes as the overall spirit just captures the Internet perfectly. It helps that the characters are drawn in such an adorable dinner. I love the little pupiless eyes and the funny looking appendageless limbs. It makes me wish that I had a girlfriend on the Internet, but I would probably make a better relationship in real life anyway. There is just so much going on with the transitions and a really catchy song.

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Age 35, Male

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