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You've stopped numbering them, huh? I was still most amused by this. You're getting more colorful characters. Obviously, I mean that literally. Orange is my favorite color! Blue is my second favorite color!

It's like it was made just for me. I thought the gag would be that the water was frozen. This works fine too. Dang, are you prolific. You're probably the most prolific artist here!

The funny thing is that I have actually seen most of these cartoons already! I always go on the websites and YT pages of these people to see other cartoons they have made. This is really what a long cartoon should be. It's just a neverending series of short cartoons. I guess you could have gone further. I wish it was the longest cartoon here.

I mean, you can never can tired of this. My favorite was chulaid. Well, he is probably my favorite user featured here. With the infinite number of brief cartoons we've made this could probably go on forever. Make it the longest animated movie ever! They're all so entertaining.

You'd think I'd remember this more given how accoladed it is. This is a great cartoon. The animation is especially good. I was just waiting for when we would get to the death stuff. It's funny how he could turn into a man but not reattach his arm. Magic is weird that way.

The voices are quite funny too. I guess TomaMoto did both story and voice acting. He doesn't do that many stories. I love how the narrator calls it a terrible ending. It truly is.

Wow, this cartoon was so adorable! Well, as adorable as a cartoon with a mad scientist can get. That’s a very cute dinosaur. I was into dinosaurs a lot as a little kid. Now I’m more into My Little Pony. What an upgrade!

You omitted these black outlines. I see more people doing that nowadays. It’s a great technique. Its only flaw is that it might be too cute. It is weird to see a mad scientist in something as cute as this.

Well, this was something completely different. Not a Monty Python reference. I'm used to stuff where you talk about your own childhood, but this was funny too. The best part was probably when the reporter shot the hostage taker. It's such a great quick joke. The animation is as basic as ever.

That's not an insult. It works for your stuff. I admit it was a little predictable. Still, it got the jokes delivered quite well. You're so prolific.

Wait, Marcy's a boy's name? Well, I should have known that from your avatar. I have a brother, but not a twin. We are really different. I was really impressed by how you used the Roger Rabbit effect. You should know what that is.

True story? You mean your twin brother is literally a cartoon character? Talk about opposite siblings. The artwork was very nice here. I like movies about movies.

I might have seen the original before. This appears to use the same audio. It's still awesome for what it is. It seems like you omitted the black outlines. That's what "Samurai Jack" did too. That's such a cool technique.

The Spy's voice is so funny. I've never heard him speak that much. Can he really become invisible? Whatever, he's a really cool character. It's great you paid tribute to something so popular on the Internet.

I just loved the animation. I can tell you're the same guy who did those TMNT cartoons. I can even see the same six pack design here! I loved how you gave them all distinct personalities. Well, distinct design I suppose. The voices are all unique too.

It was weird how there were English subtitles with both versions. Oh, that's for the deaf. Everything just moves so wonderfully. What are they even pushing up on? I love this zany cartoon.

It sounded like he was saying "Cows, cows, cows" at the end. I guess that was "thous". This is as good as any other over 9000 video. It does make you wonder what exactly the scouter said. I doubt it was 9001. It couldn't have been more than 10,000.

This reminded me of "All Your Base". You know, with all the different variants. I guess all memes do similar things. I've never seen this done with over 9000. The animation's funny too.

Hilarious! My favorite part was easily with the fake subtitles. The Jewish jokes were great too. What a strange episode. It worked out because it was as funny as any other. Well, maybe it was pretty different.

The sprites are still great. A pity they're out of style now. Wait, Goombas are mushrooms? I guess that makes sense. Racism is weird in the Mushroom Kingdom.

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