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I didn't understand this. I literally couldn't understand this. I didn't know what these people were saying. Songs To Wear Pants To is a band? I thought that was the name of a song itself. The animation was pretty bad too.

There was just nothing unique about this. Oh wait, there's a description about their music. Silly me. I guess this is why there's no Tetris collection. That's a funny band name too.

Wow, that was really interesting. I mean, I didn't know much of what to make of this. It wasn't as dark as it seemed. It was implied the kid was going through a bad relationship with his brother. Then he goes and just leaves. It's so strange.

I guess the monster was good after all. What's the message? Sometimes we're just better off disappearing? It just seemed too deep. Oh yeah, that makes sense.

Wow, I was really impressed by this. I mean, the part at the end was actually very sole crushing. I really wanted Lloyd to be with his girlfriend. Well, I'm just a sucker for romance. This was still really funny. The best was when he questioned the Chevy Chase joke.

The animation is as good as ever. Of course I love your other works, Brad. May I address you directly like that? Well, who would respond? Whatever, this is a great series if only because of the cats.

Toonwerks responds:

It's generally LegendaryFrog or th1rt3en or BOE on this account. So I guess just address us as guys or folks, or fellow humans :P

Thanks for the feedback!

I admit to not being familiar with Kid Icarus at all. At least I know his name is Pit. That being said, this was still enjoyable. I could have sworn that was Jazza doing the voice. Wait, TomaMoto just did the voice in a Jazza cartoon. He's like the male Rina-chan!

Pit seems kind of evil in this. Well, maybe that's what he was like in the games. Whatever, this was fun. I'm glad to be introduced to this mythology. I can appreciate this.

Wow, I seriously wasn't expecting this to be a comedy. It really did seem like a straightforward sci-fi action cartoon at first. It's great to see Kirbopher! Or rather to hear Kirbopher. I wish you'd submit stuff here, dude. Your voice was great as always.

The best part was easily with the dragon. Personally, I'm more of a unicorn guy. The animation was just gorgeous. Everything moved so well. I look forward to more episodes.

Xiphon responds:

It's a very low-key comedy. It's much less of a comedy then it's art style would probably give the impression of I'm sure.

I love the animation. The best part was probably at the beginning when he was stepping on people's heads. That probably had the best action in the whole thing! This animation reminds me of "Cyanaide And Happiness", such a great webcomic. This was a little too short. Well, it wasn't meant to be long.

It's easily the best skateboarding related thing I've seen here! Granted, I've seen relatively few. Everything just moved so well. You are great with that. I'm glad this was a series.

This was a great cartoon! I just loved the animation. My favorite part was probably when he said he liked "Back To The Future" references. I love that too! The voices were really funny. It was a little too long.

There weren't quite enough jokes for me to give it a perfect score. I love the different designs. I also loved the high guy. I felt said when he left the story. Still great, though.

That was a lot of fun. I especially liked the Caturday pics. Dang, has it been long since I even heard that word. The voices were great. Rina-chan of course! The animation was so funny.

I'm not a fan of "Resident Evil", but could still like this. Everything is just so fast paced. The goofiness works so well. If I was a fan, I'd probably like this even more. At least I'm a zombie fan.

This cartoon was just okay. I admit to not being impressed by it. It should have had more action. It's still nice to see these guys in clay. You can always do something new with the characters. I like the movements.

The sounds were authentic. It was just too short. There wasn't anything that interesting going on. At least it was authentic. Mario's appearance was random, but kind of funny.

That was very entertaining. I remember that scream. There are a lot of stock screams besides the Wilhelm one. I love the animation. My favorite part was when everyone was talking about crap. The action was great.

That close up in the beginning was weird. I could see the black outline so clearly. If only it was "Samurai Jack". This was still awesome. I'm not into skating, though.

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