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Wow! This is the first time I've ever heard these guys talk! Hey, I had the last vote that needed to protect this! Hurray for the both of us! The animation is as wonderful as ever. It kind of reminded me of "Inside Out".

You know, with the colors and emotions. There were a lot of people who worked on this. I'm glad to have seen it early. You are on a roll lately! Fire can be funny.

It's great to see more of this series. Hey, one of the TTA episodes was suggested to me! Not sure if I'm in it though. The music was awesome. It's great you have this wonderful animation. At least I'm now more familiar with Zelda.

The voices fit the characters so perfectly. The fight scenes were amazing. It's just great to have so much going on. I wish this series would continue. Well, some of your other stuff is, though.

I really do like Link's design. Oh yeah, my avatar. The voices are as good as ever. I especially love Dark Link's. Link's actually pretty handsome. I'm comparing him to myself so it isn't gay.

I really should know more about the Zelda mythos. You delve so deep into it here. Well, actually I can't tell if it is or if it's just you making stuff up. The length was good too.

That was a very strange little cartoon. Stop motion counts as cartoon, right? I appreciated how unique it was. It just didn't make much sense to me. Well, I like the Predator thing. It was probably too short.

It got its joke across. Or jokes. I haven't had a tangerine in a long time. I keep confusing them with oranges. The voices were pretty funny.

Uh yeah, it's pretty obvious he won't die. I mean, the episode was ending! I did love this, though. I especially loved how slick the animation was. The main character was slick too! I haven't seen the original episodes. Wait, scratch that.

I thought by the name V2, there was another. I don't think so. I love how the skateboards are drawn. I also like how it shows the poop. It's a tad overused, though.

Yep, this brings back memories of those old cartoons. I especially love how it just keeps going and going. It wasn't as long as a standard cartoon. It doesn't need to be. It still delivers all the laughs in its running time. I love the bright colors.

There's just so many wonderful details put into everything. That mask gag has been done before. I think it's pretty common actually. The voices were hilarious. It delivers just what it promises.

I think this may very well be the most well animated thing you've ever done! I was blown away by how beautiful it was! It's just so graceful. It wasn't quite the funniest, but it was great fun watching it. The music was awesome too. I guess you stopped numbering these.

I hope you submit more stuff here. You really are talented. The cartoony gags always work. I love all the exaggerated movements. The colors stand out well too.

Wow, I was really impressed at how deranged that was. I mean, I should have known it would be so dirty. So the mom did eventually have an abortion? That dad was stupid. Of course, it's all the condom's fault. Or I guess the people who made the condom.

I love the voice. It feels like you could have ended this at any time. It just got more insane as it went on. The art style was nice and authentic as well. It's just great.

Your grandfather really turned 100?! That's awesome! It's great that you made this for him. While not one of your best submissions, still very nice. It's probably because of the quaint animation. You really do work on a variety of cartoons.

I'm so glad to be a fan of yours. The music was very sweet as well. It's just a fun cartoon. I love how we can use this website like this. Hope it passes!

Eh, I didn't like this as much as most people. I really did think it was a loop. The fact that it wasn't was a very nice surprise. I'm glad to be used to your art style. It really is quite unique. I especially love the bright colors.

Everything just comes out of nowhere. Well, I mostly liked that. The voices were good. Hot dogs are great too. It's fun for a quick cartoon.

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