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I am not that familiar with the Exiles. I know everything else about Marvel Comics, though! I didn't understand how Johnny Cage recognized Ken. This is the first after all. Will "Mortal Kombat" characters ever appear in "Super Smash Bros."? We'll still have this.

It really looked like Johnny Cage was losing badly. He could barely hurt him! Instead, we get this great unexpected battle. That's probably the main reason I'm rating this so low. It's a pity the voters didn't think the same thing.

I saw a cartoon from you before. This was different in that it didn’t use stock footage from the show. My Little Pony, that is. This is just so funny. Why isn’t the rest of the anthology here? Well, this is something at least.

The animation is so authentic. This really is just like what Discord and Spike would look like animated in “Rick And Morty”. Dang, I love that show. Wait, MLP’s up to nine seasons? Figures.

At first, I thought this was going to be like Brackenwood. You know, with the lack of dialogue. There actually was some dialogue in this, so it wasn’t quite like it. Well, there was still little dialogue. I love the animation. It’s still great in its own right.

I had no idea they’d talk about school. It just seemed weird for the setting. It still ended up being amazing. A pity the other 40 episodes weren’t submitted here. Well, they probably weren’t made at all.

Dang, your voice is hilarious! Everything was just flowing so wonderfully here. I loved the goofy animation. Yep, that's one of my favorite superhero movies. It's just paced so wonderfully. Both the movie and uh, this movie.

The title reminded me of "Napster Bad!". The voice just makes this. Ironer Man? That's funny in a really cheesy way. It's just a great tribute to a great movie.

I admit this one went on a bit too long. It was still pretty funny. I did like the bit at the end about the huge shit. I don't think I was ever in a situation like that. I never went to camp in the winter. I used to go to Christian camp.

That would probably make great material. Yeah, I was raised really religiously. I still am, okay? I don't even remember the food that much. Probably still had a better time than you.

I believe this is Rina-chan's most viewed submission! It's weird how she's created as a writer and not a voice actress. I know she's a voice actress. I just love the great animation brought to us by none other than Kirbopher. The Big Gay Dance is pretty catchy. My favorite was probably the bit with Samus.

Yeah, she's just that hot. Yeah, there's some slash in this! Not that I'm into that. It's great how you guys get so many jokes and movements in a fairly short time. My only complaint is that there should have been backgrounds.

I admit I was skeptical of this at first. With this high rating, it had a lot going for it. I ended up loving it as much as anyone else! Seriously, this was awesome! I was just amazed at how relentless it was in every sense of the word! There was too much going on!

We get a great song too. I wish it was longer so the cartoon would be longer! There's just this wide mashup of beautiful colors. I need to be more familiar with gildedguy. I need to be familiar with you! This was just awesome.

gildedguy responds:

Thanks for the review. I got lot more animations, please check em out!

Aww, I thought this was too short. It needed to have more. It was still nice for what it was. I especially like how they go to YT. That does appear in later Animator Vs. Animation stuff. You do still have cool stuff going on.

I especially like the end when they're erased. They have cool powers too. I never was good at Solitaire. You could have used music. It's still watchable.

It was hard not knowing if this would be a parody. I mean, I just had the title to go on. There's more parodies here than not. The sprite work was really nice. I feel bad for not being more familiar with Zelda. Uh yeah, look at my avatar.

The voices were great. I especially loved Ganon's idea of the triforce. Waffles are pretty cool. I've never really had them with chicken. Ganon had something going!

I don’t see how this was a parody. It seemed like a straight tribute. We can always like those. The music was great. I thought this would be a collab. You had “Miccool” on this.

People usually only do that when it’s a collab. This was still very fun. I liked the fine details. We’re all used to sticks by now. That rock was cool.

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