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Wait, how is the score so low? This won Review Crew Pick! Anyway, this was a great collab. It amazes me just how many unique things you can do with Madness. I knew it cut off too soon. This was wonderfully paced.

It seems like everything was in this movie. You had people being turned into bananas. You had aliens. I lost count of all the kills after the first thirteen. It would be nice to have a counter.

I really had no idea what I was in for. I mean, I thought it would just be like a brief gag. Instead, it was awesome! I hadn't heard this song before. It fits Vega very well. I'm glad to have seen this.

There really was a lot of great action in this. Everything was so bright and flashy. Chun-Li's always hot. I wish there was more flash stuff like this. The beat's awesome.

I was very confused as to how Lloyd was in that movie as well. I'm glad they brought it up. I thought maybe I wasn't watching the movie. Well, I mean the movie they were watching. Wait, he said it was ten minutes long. Does that mean those other parts were part of the movie?

Whatever, it was great. Dang, I love your voices! I'm so glad you guys are posting this on Newgrounds! I guess LegendaryFrog is now a guy associated with Channel Awesome. Is there anyone who isn't?

I was very impressed at how good the animation was. Seriously, this was top notch! The title is weird. He's in Hell, not Purgatory! Well, I'm sure he'll get there later. The voices are so funny. I had no idea he would die!

Well, given the title I should have expected that. It's still pretty shocking. I liked all the fine details. There's so much action going on too. It's just a gorgeous looking cartoon.

Great, but I was a little confused by this. Was this supposed to be a trailer? I just thought that when the word "Drama" randomly appeared on the screen. I still love this. I heard that you can never make fun of Yotsuba. Luckily, you did it well here.

Her voice was so funny. It's great with this animation. I'm glad this cartoon got its original owner. It's not stupid. Look at the high rating!

I didn't like this as much as most people. It's probably because it's just longing for its sequel. It was nice how you had no dialogue. That showed how well the characters were established. The animation was amazing. Honestly, it seems spot on with Sonic.

It was just so authentic. The music was good too. In something with no dialogue, the music is very important. Did Sonic feel remorse? The sequel should be better.

This is easily your best work, FleckoGold. Most people would think this was based on Disney's Aladdin. It's actually more like the original "Arabian Knights" tale. Yeah, Disney hasn't been all that original. This isn't really a music video. Well, it does lack talking.

Jasmine (or the princess) isn't bad looking here. You could never top the hotness of the original Princess Jasmine. The animation style is so unique. It really is in its own world. It's even kind of futuristic with the helmets on those bad guys.

This wasn't as good as your other work because I couldn't associate with it. I have no idea what airsoft guns were. Wow, you sound really lucky. Well, not really. This worked out pretty badly for you. I'm glad I was never in a scenario like this.

You just had a more entertaining childhood. Well, for us, not you. I think I just played regular Nerf guns. Was this before 2001? People are obsessed with terrorism now.

I love how you mention there would be animation later. That might be cheating though. This was still very fun. You really have changed your animation style. I wish the "Tomorrow's Nobodies" series would come back. Well, that's your choice.

It's funny to see people and cartoons arguing with each other. Stupid Reno. I didn't know prostitution was legal in all of Nevada. That actually makes sense. Jeff looks like Wade Fulp!

"Out next plan"? What does that mean? I really like the animation. It vaguely reminded me of Kirbopher. Dang, I wish that guy was back. I recognized at least most of these characters.

I could get most of the jokes. There's just so many "Mega Man" cartoons it's hard to at least not be familiar with them. Wow, Axl can stand being called a girl. I really liked the pacing. The colors were nice and bright as well.

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