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The actual creator saw it and there's only 24K views? There should be more! Anyway, this was a lot of fun. It helps that "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" is such a funny movie. It's hard to go wrong using audio from that.

I don't remember the song being that long. I'm certainly glad for it! I love how they just shrug it off as being a silly place. They would know! The sprites move so wonderfully too.

It's great to know you're still here. I do admit the ending didn't make much sense. I mean, why did he (or you?) make him tall to begin with? I guess it's just a gag. I still love this animation. The best part is probably how cartoonish it is.

I just love this medium. You can do so much with these drawings. The red color stood out. I guess everyone got what they wanted. Weird, but good.

Well, this was probably too short to love, but it was still good. I'm glad that I recognize your art style. Wow, the shortest author comments ever. Just a dot. Wait, is that a small semicolon? I seriously wasn't expecting that in the cartoon.

I thought it would be more likely the kid would do it. It was a pretty funny twist. Whatever, it was fine for a quick cartoon. The voices are nice. Congrats on the Daily Feature.

This was certainly something strange for you. I really had no idea what was going on. Still, it wasn't bad for what it was. It was certainly unpredictable. The sprite work was nice. It was at least interesting seeing those characters die.

I'm glad it wasn't too long. Actually, it probably still was too long. I wasn't expecting all that swearing. Well, this is Newgrounds. Oh, that's just true for the whole Internet.

I admit it's great to see Yotam and Fantasia get romantically involved. Yeah, I'm into romance. It makes me wonder if most people honestly think that any two people with a close relationship are romantically linked. Yes, that's what people think. I feel bad for you, just with how your face is so skinny. The voices are still pretty funny.

It looks like they're finally advancing. I was thinking about that "Hang In There" poster. I knew cats would be involved! Does anyone even use motivational posters anymore? Everyone's into demotivational posters.

Alright, this was very fun but it was pretty weird. It was strange to see these characters appearing as themselves. Why not just use an actual battle? Well, it was still awesome. For the most part, the animation was awesome. It did seem a tad off at times, but it's a minor complaint.

It was so unpredictable. Yeah, it was great to see all those boobs. Typical for the RPG world! It is quite a unique cartoon. The length worked well for the amount of action.

I wasn't that impressed by this. I mean, it was just a really short bumper. It's not that suitable for this website. Still, I love how you're still around. You're a great animator. Hey, you changed your thumbnail!

Your art style isn't that recognizable, I suppose. I never watched Transformers. Stop motion's still pretty cool. We still want everything here. Oh TF stands for Transformers.

MindChamber responds:

Yah it's just an exercise..it shouldn't be front-paged or get any site awards, perhaps there should be a function for movies similar to the art section where you can lock off from ratings and FP.. Anyways short practice animation is pretty much all I have time for.. believe me I feel uncomfortable uploading small one off gags or drills, which is why I usually dump these on my Facebook page,.but then I feel like,.. short or not it did take some work, and there's setup and prep involved in any type of animation. Something I'm sure animators could appreciate..as well as stopmotion fans..so I uploaded it here..Besides, if everyone on the site only bothered to upload only thier 2 year epic opus projects.. this would be a pretty empty site.. .. uploading any type of processes should be welcomed in a community like this if this site is to progress further then a just a showcase website..So for now , from me, it's either that or nothing..

Seeing as how long it took to release the second one, I'm glad this came out a lot sooner. I especially love hearing these great voices. I guess you could say LegendaryFrog is now associated with you guys! Well, everyone is nowadays. I loved the animation. Brad's voice is the best.

Seriously, you should have been a voice actor a long time ago. I actually do like Lloyd. Well, cats are always cute. The length was great too. Kind of long for this website, but I don't care.

Toonwerks responds:

Glad you liked it! We simply neglected to release the older episodes on here, so we're putting them up rapid fire now

I've never played any of the Monkey Island games. I'm still pretty familiar with them, though. I love seeing this animation. Everything is just so wonderfully fast paced. It reminded me of the "In A Nutshell" series. There should be more of those.

I guess it's just a meme that died out. I guess this was a fast paced summary. I know at least some of the mythology. Given how popular video games in general are, I could understand it. I just liked the gags.

I can't believe this doesn't have a higher rating! Well, I guess it might be because the Kitty Krew won. Everybody hates them. I guess a "K" hadn't been taken up by a group yet. Wait, you still stole "crew" from the Clocks! No wonder Strawberry is so angry.

I did love the animation in this. There's so much going on. I'm not familiar with Venom on this website. Well, it's so huge even I can't recall all the popular things. It's just very satisfying to me.

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