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Great submission!

You truly deserve to win all these awards! Looking back, I would probably say the second part was better. It's great to know that when something is so action-oriented, you simply do not care if you do not understand the story. It was weird how the girl really contrasted with her design to the other characters. The voice acting was nicely done and also thank you for having so many songs. You probably wouldn't have even won all these awards if it was submitted on Madness Day 2011.

I can understand why it was released in seperate parts. It's too bad there was that whole incident where the reviews were deleted here. At least everything is back to normal and people can give you guys the praise you deserve. The guy with the blue clothes kind of looks like Sasuke. It's always great to put in detailed character backgrounds. The designs are also unique with how no two of them are the exact same in appearance.

I'm glad you had fun with it

This was another really cool submission because it was all of what makes it so good. It was too bad it ended before more action could continue. The true highlight of this submission is seeing the guy's face react to all the stuff he's going through. You rarely see faces at all in the Madness series, particularly ones that change! It was so sweet when he shot the trollface guy in the, well, face. That guy is seriously getting a bit overused.

The signs in the background just say "eat the damn thing". I now realize the good use of the troll guy as the main villian because of the title. It's great to see how many holes he can leave in these idiotic enemies. The scene with the big guy is kind of pointless, but at least it shows off some good colors. I especially liked the part where he blocked all the bullets with his sword.

Very creative

I never played any of the Paper Mario games, or even saw someone else do it, now that I think about it. This is still great and should be respected by every Mario fan. This didn't have that much blood, which is what I expect in a Madness flash. It's still nice to see Mario fight these different enemies in such a unique way. It seems like you really went out of your way to do the game justice. It's amazing how much depth these depictions have, even though they are literally paper thin.

It was great to see this unique world on its own. My favorite part would probably be the bit with the chomp. Those are some of the most annoying and hard to get rid of things in the games, you know. You had no idea what was coming next, like that dark purple shadow Mario. Hammers simply always make great weapons.

That was very funny

It's amazing how far you can go with such a gaggy premise in a Madness Combat flash. What really made this was how excellent the animation was. It was interesting to see how these characters moved their eyes around so well. The strangest thing is that they didn't even have eyes! You really knew where to put emphasis on their faces to, well, make it seem like they had faces. It's probably the most gory depiction of a beheading in a Madness cartoon.

It was also great to see changes in the animation like when the magician was about to throw his knives in the box. The zombies especially had really great lips, even though, once again, they didn't technically have lips. Everything just moves so wonderfully vibrant in this cartoon. The music is also completely fantastic.


Of all the Madness stuff submitted on this day, I do in fact find this to be the best. You completely deserve your Daily Feature because the animation here is fantastic. You are usually known for stuff with stick figures. I guess these are kind of stick figures that you are working with. The animation is the best and most flawless I have seen for any submission today too. There are just so many things going on and it's so relentless in its delivery.

The best parts are probably when the guys' heads are being sliced up. It's great how each bit of severed flesh flies around so well. The slow motion is fantastic, especially with the grenade being thrown. The artwork shows that the characters themselves have so much depth to them, in every sense of the word. Fast paced of course, but that's what you love in a Madness Combat submission. Happy Madness Day 2011!


It's so funny how acknowledge the fact that it isn't supposed to be canon in its description. What I found funny about this was how the guy actually died at the end. It's nice that one guy caught a break and managed to get a nice smoke in. It was interesting for the title to be used as a reference to the previous non-canon submission for Madness Day. Congrats on your Daily 2nd Place on your own day! The animation is as spectacular as ever.

Another cool thing is that the giant guy actually manages to get some hits on himself. You would think that the sword in the head would be enough to finish him off. It's mostly typical, but you're great with this. I really had no idea where you were going with the guy he was holding as hostage. I think the body count was about 22.


It's amazing that you created so many specialized songs for this. This was truly a different kind of Madness movie because you tried to have a more serious tone to it. I guess ultra-violence is pretty serious by itself. This is something that I imagine would appear in a movie like "The Town" or even "The Godfather". It is rather strange to watch such a detailed story for a series about random killings. It is still masterfully done.

It was great you managed to get such an awesome cast of voice actors for this. It was also great how each character had a unique design and personality. It's a bit hard to keep track off, but it pays off in the end. The action, while great, still does a great job of keeping its characters in light. It's probably the biggest variety of voices and happy Madness Day 2011!

Flawless as usual

It is simply great that we get to witness so many fantastic minds coming together to make something as good as this. In case anyone's wondering, the running time of this is about 12 minutes. I bet if you had submitted this on Madness Day, it would have won Daily Feature! It's too bad the previous installment had a mess with the reviews. Who knew the single girl was the evil one? I have to admit she isn't that bad looking.

It was great to see so much amazing design put into all the characters. Not just the main characters, but every single one out there. There are just so many great lines and coloring effects imposed onto every single enemy and ally. I'm a little confused at what happened at the end, but the next installment shall make it clear. I am so glad this series keeps going on. The weapons and attacks are incredibly unique as well.

Could be worse

I think it's interesting how so many people agree on something that is certainly not canon. If there ever was a Super Saiyan transformation beyond 4, it would probably look like this. For the record, SS5 is a fan-made thing made for a fake series, Dragonball AF. My only problem is that you shouldn't really have tests for things here. People expect flashes to be more fully made. It does seem like this has potential for something a lot better.

The voices seem to be in pretty good alignment, even if it's not that good of a voice. Infinite loops are something you might also want to avoid. Are you planning on making something bigger with this? It would be better if you described exactly what you were trying to do. What kind of enemies would there be?

How strange

I have to say that this was pretty interesting. It's hard to say if I would classify this as a comedy or parody because it doesn't have a consistent theme. It really messes around with what it is. It was cool to have an interactive movie that isn't that hard. It reminds me of some guy (forgot how) that said most video games are just interactive movies anyway with all the cutscenes. It was really cute how they were depicted on little sticks.

The funniest part was when the animals were playing the video games and they swore at her. Click on the branch in the upper right hand corner to make it fall and kill the animals. It's interesting how everything has a fair amount of depth in it. Was the secret mini game the one with the floating heads you shoot? That was pretty entertaining.

NightDead responds:

the fun of you, the viewers, is my goal.

Thanks for watching the movie and have a nice day :)

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